Simucube 2 Discussion Thread

Haha, curious to see :slight_smile:

We are going to release a new firmware with some changes next week, on Friday.

I will make a pre-release available, if there are anyone who wants to test it. This will be done on Tuesday next week. Anyone want to to test it next week? Please PM me.


I have gotten several PMā€™s. I will be making the private thread on Tuesday, no time to answer all the individual PMs as Iā€™m our of town for the weekend.


New TD release available!

That sounds like pretty significant change with some potential side effects. :thinking:

Move from scaling the output current to scaling the setpoint instead. Results in some effect feel changes that need to be investigated. Benefit is to be able to calculate effects in known scale and to have always the same bumpstop strength.

No side effects were reported so far so I think we did a good job in making the internal changes.

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You absolutely did. If there are non placebo based changes, then they are on the good side.

Do you think the auto-alignment mentioned in the changelog could, or should, replace the gyroscopic effect in assetto corsa?

Thats interesting idea, we would love feedback on that.

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Okay, Iā€™ll do a few tests, see if I feel a difference.

Itā€™s just wheelbase side centering spring effect, definitely not gyro or dynamic dampening Kunos is using.

Also wondering why announcement on the new TD release did not come from official staff. :man_shrugging:

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Ah, right, that was exactly the point of my question.

We are moving our announces to Discord, also we had a twitch stream about the release. Office was super busy with a community event right after the stream.

We will only activate the update notification on Monday.

Does that mean that we should consider this ā€œsupport forumā€ defunct?
Not everyone is braindead Gen Z to waste their life on Twitch, TickTock or other social nonsense.


I was also a bit insecure. I thought it maybe got forgotten. So, instead of letting all in the dark I wanted to let the community know about. It then was already on the official Granite wiki page, the place where all releases are provided.

Not by any means.

It just that Friday was a super busy day.

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How much latency does Torque bandwidth limit add?

Torque Bandwidth limit is a low-pass filter. Higher frequency details are lost completely, and lower frequency signal is passed through.

The calculation of this filter is only a few floating point calculations per update cycle so the latency added is in the order of less than one microsecond.

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Astonishing to see how time is separated from information :joy: you loose a lot of information per this microsecond. In general you will leave this at ā€œunlimitedā€.
You can look at it like you would use an equaliser. Imagine yourself listening to music and you limit it to 1ā€™000 Hertz. Our range is more or less from 20 to 20ā€™000 Hertz.

Comparison here: