Simucube 2 / Bumpstop

Dear Team good afternoon

Just to understand better how a direct drive internally works😊

There is the possibility that a software could ruins the base? Maybe hitting bumpstop?

Yesterday I re installed again Le Mans Ultimate after a Windows fresh install on my pc, set all, tried to drive outside and, just immediately after “drive” button has been pressed….my wheel went crazy, all to the left until hit the bumpstop.

After checking online I saw that forgot to activate “invert ffb” that must be set on on

Can I ruined something when wheel went to bumpstop?

thanks for the replies, your time and sorry about “stupid question” but i’m so curious
take care and thanks :pray:t2:

The bumpstops are completely software defined so there is no harm done.

For me, the FFB invert was correctly set by default as the game detected the wheel base correctly. Strange that there would be this type of issue.

ciao Mika! and thanks about your always fast reply :slight_smile:

Sincerely seemed odd also to me because duting first installation done (around end feb/march beggin) all was set correctly, yesterday i don’t know didn’t set all well alone.

Maybe because i switched on the base when i was already in the game and not outside the game.

BTW…what a FFB that LMU has with the SC2 Pro :star_struck::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: