Simucube 1 error message

Hello everyone. This my first post here since I received my S.C three years ago. Love it very much have no issues until today. Firmware version is 0.11.2 .
The issue i’m having :

Operating Mode: Waiting for driver to get ready
Active profile: Read-only safe profile
E-Stop & Motor Status: Overvoltage threshold [FOV] must be > 102% of HV BUS voltage

This is my S.C event logEvent log

When i power up the wheel it does stiffen but does not do the left/right movement that it does during start up.
when i powered down the wheel it does shift to the left.

Best way to analyze is if you sent screenshot of the status page/alarms in Granity, please.

Thank you for responding. I turned wheel on this morning and it did iits left/right motion and no longer showing the voltage error. Forgot to mention i have a small mige. Now after many attempts i went to hardware setup and tried :

Configure motor, and center point . At this point nothing was initializing, i got a message:

Error: Motor did not initialize in 30 seconds. Probable cause for this: Wrong settings for motor.

I still need you to enter into Granity and grab some screenshots from there :wink:

No idea were to find that. please advice . Thank you.