A few days ago I moved my computer from a different location. Only 10ish meter.
Only the computer was moved.
I have not raced anything from that date, though I did Connect and power on the Simucube just to check if everything was okay, it went through its initialization as normal (movement and sound), simucube and ioni Led constant Green.
so my first belief it was all ok.
Now, When i wanted to race, starting up Simucube it still goes through its initialization as normal (movement and sound, simucube and ioni Led constant Green.)
But the wheel is not recognised by the computer, and the Simucube software will not find my wheel. I have tried MMos and Granity, they do not find it. I have run the DFUDemo application which does not find it.
I have used the DIP-switch, no difference.
Simucube v 0.50.4c
Using usb x4 is is detected as Ft230x and comport # but wil not connect in granity.
Ionic pro hc have come up2 times in 100tries in granity. But when i try to Connect i get an error message. And the iono board start flashing LSSS. The other times granity hangs in «opening Bus».
Usb x3 does not show as connected at all.
Reinnstalled all usb drivers. Enabled/disabled all hubs/ports. Enabled/diasbled usb3 in bios.
Ereased all old/hidden connections using usbdveiw,
Only simucube, mouse, keyboard is connected as usb. Tried 4different cables. With/without feritt emi protection. And all the usb ports on motherboard. Front and back.
I have tried with 3different computers. 2windows 10. computers.
Is my simucube board broken? Is it bricked? Any quick fix, or do I need to buy new board.
Any advise?