SimLab using GD technology?

From the SimLab DD wheelbase announcement

Hi, the Sim-Lab effort is totally independent, designed from the ground up. They did not collaborate with any other current DD wheel suppliers.

The DD wheel space has been getting busier this past couple of years, competition drives development. A good thing at the end for consumers.

Edit: The info is available on Sim-lab Reddit, Richard has posted there.

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From the horseā€™s mouth.

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As Itā€™s to be expected, thereā€™s also thrusmaster, one day or other simucube will be equal or even surpassed, which isnā€™t the case today.
In any case, as heā€™s talking about it, simlab had better not screw up! Iā€™ve already noticed a mistake, the power supply for my sc2 isnā€™t 360w but 450-480w, so ā€¦

There are particular tricks also in SC2 controller FW that Tero has implemented, letā€™s say, to make things a bit more efficient.

Anyway, exciting for users that others are pushing the envelope, it creates good, healthy competition, and we are the beneficiaries.

Maybe if I put my business hat on for a moment, one thing I have learned with my industrial customers is that ā€˜sell to customers what they are asking for, not what you want to sell themā€™. So letā€™s see how things develop.

Hopefully all current and future sim-suppliers heed this message :slight_smile: I am excited to see what is coming.


On related news, new AccuForce is coming. Hopefully itā€™s not a stepper motor this time around.

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Right. The Sim-Lab wheelbases will be released ā€œafter next summerā€. Thatā€™s just over 6 years after the SC2 introduction. So claiming that it will be better than SC2 is not such a ā€œbold statementā€. We do expect progress over time. And the fact that SC2 is still the benchmark 6 years after release is a great testament to the quality of the product.

Anyway ā€¦ Your move, Simucube :wink:

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