SC2 Pro Lost (almost) all its force

Have you reset the default profile to the device? It would isolate the cause if that helps.

If you are saying the button (Reset FFB Default State) in the Advanced Info Tab in True Drive, I already tried that, @Mika.

I also just tried creating a new profile from scratch. It doesnt work until I get in the profile and edit the strength and save it again. The wheel move 1 or 2 degress when I do that, so it seems it was not receiving any data and then when I do that it lives again.

No, I meant “save this as default” which is available in the paddock profile via the menu, or the offline profile list as well.

wow! i think that solved the issue, @Mika I will do some more tests later today, but at first I restarted my computer and it worked without me having to edit the ffb strength.
