[ Realism FFB Profile ] - Trying to obtain the most realistics FFB

When you say “off”, do you mean untouched? Or is there no difference for you if you have for example spring at 100 or 0?

0 disables the filters.
There is a difference between 0 and 100%.
We will say that these are algorithms that analyze in real time the feedback and try to reinforce the feeling. There have been improvements in these algorithms lately but it remains too artificial for my taste.

I don’t think I will make a new version for a long time. Unless there is a new firmware + True Drive build that allows us to tune even better.

setting di effects to 0 or 200 doesn’t make any difference in iracing since they aren’t used by the game


They are used by the game since 6 months approx.

Not true,
DI effects are ON wherever you make use of ingame Damping Slider, and It takes into account the ‘app.ini’ value from the line “DampingEffect:” being DI Damping, DI Inertia or DI Friction.

Quite another thing is that the damping slider is not in use by de player, or that iRacing creates these effects wrong.

It is true. Iracing creates a damping, friction or inertia effect (based on the app.ini settings) but its strength is always 0 (unless player adds some via slider in-game).


Mika is correct. IRacing creates The effects but their output is always zero. In talking with David at iRacing he mentioned that they had experimented behind the scenes with using these filters and have basically disabled it. But the code to create the link is still there. So within IRacing they are never used.


Sad for DI, listening there are implemented in IR since the 2022.x TrueDrive build.
One day maybe, IR gonna improve their FFB. Actually, outdated.