Question about old Simucube config tools upgrade

My friend own a old simucube with ioni, which is from SimRacingBay and still using MMOS, can he upgrade to latest firmware with just download it and run ?

Because I upgrade mine from MMOS age step by step, which need to use bootloader before, he is not so familiar with those complicated steps.

Many thanks.

He has to do it step by step with the guide like you did.

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I can’t find out the guide from MMOS upgrade now…is there anymore resource ?
TBH I have fully forget how to do it step by step already, it’s been a while…

Yes, the SimuCUBE firmware consists of

  • bootloader firmware that installs actual firmware and facilitates firmware updates without separate programming devices
  • actual SimuCUBE Force Feedback firmware

In addition, there is a separate DFU mode on the processor, but it can’t be accessed from SimuCUBE firmware at the moment. On SimuCUBE PCB, there is a dip switch to activate that mode.

Installation instructions are in our User Guide:

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Thank you for reply Mika.
That means, if my friend is still using MMOS, then he has to be upgrade step by step, by using bootloader right ?

yes. MMOS does not have our bootloader.

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OK, thank you for help :slight_smile:

Short Directions for Upgrading from MMOS:

  • Prepare yourself by Downloading the following things.

#1 - IONI Firmware Latest (1.7.7 currently) -
#2 - SimuCUBE FIrmware - Latest (0.11.0 / 0.11.0b currently) -
#3 - DFUSE -
#4 - DRC Package for the Mige you have (unavailable if you are not part of iRacing currently)-

Just In Case
#5 - Virtual COM Port Drivers -
#6 - Latest Granity Software -

Then do the Upgrade:
#1 - Update the IONI Firmware to the latest: (this is just to make sure other steps go smoothly)

  • #1a - Open Granity and Connect to drive on the connection tab.

  • #1b - Click the Install Firmware button on the Connect Tab and slick the IONI Firmware file downloaded earlier.

  • #1c - Once complete - close Granity saving and restarting as asked.

#2 - follow the directions for boot loader installation here -

#3 - Open the SimuCUBE Configuration Tool it will ask you to upgrade the Firmware Automatically, Go through the steps, after it is done the Configuration Tool will close.

#4 - Reopen the Configuration Tool and run the Motor, Encoder, Centerpoint Wizard (it may automatically ask to do this)

  • Option - during the Motor Encoder Centerpoint wizard you will be asked about your IONI Settings. You can use what you have been using Minus the filtering by selecting the Use Existing IONI configuration radio box (or) you may select a .drc file to use by selecting the Use File Radio Box. If you check use file you will select the file from the downloaded .zip .drc that matches the configuration or the Servo, Power Supply, and Encoder you have. This will set the System to Maximum capabililty. If you happen to have a 5K or 2.5K encoder rather than a 10K then use the 10K file and you will have to do a manual alteration to the Encoder specification after.

If you have a 2.5K or 5K encoder follow these steps AFTER finishing the Wizard with the 10K file.

#1 - Open the SimuCUBE configuration tool and go to the Advanced Tab
#2 - Click on Enable IONI USB Mode Button (leave the SimuCUBE Configuration tool Open)
#3 - Open Granity and select the connect Tab
#4 - Click on Connect to Drive (follow instructions selecting the IONI PRO)
#5 - Change to the Machine Tab within Granity
#6 - Change FBR to 5000 (if using a 5k) or 2500 (if using a 2.5K)
#7 - Click on Apply settings
#8 - Close Granity and Save to Drive if prompted (the servo may Phase so keep hands clear)
#9 - Go Back to the SimuCUBE Configuration tool and click on the Disable IONI USB Mode Button (the same button as the Enable)
#10 - Rerun the Motor,Encoder,Centerpoint Wizard but DO NOT use the file “use existing configuration”

NOTE if the wheel is tracking slowly and not accurately in the SimuCUBE configuration too repeat this with the next Lower FBR setting… 5000 -> 2500

At this point you should be good to run.

I think that just about covers everything about upgrading an earlier SimuCUBE build.

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