Please implement an option to deactivate the idle 4 minute beeping!

Bernhard, looks like fix for beeps and permanent High Torque activation are coming in the next FW release

But I understand you had some other issues besides that, hopefully GD will help you sort them out.

Yes, I am really looking forward to seeing this, but letā€™s see it firstā€¦ : )

Most of the time I am complaining about things that do not work or I am suggesting stuff to be implemented or changed, but now, for a change, I want also to say a BIG THANK YOU to @Mika ka and everyone else being envolved with this:

It took quite some time since we bought the SC 2 Ultimate for our simulator, but with the latest firmware update I think almost all my biggest issues with the wheel base got resolved! Especially having the de-centering and the high torque / beeping behaviour finally under controll is such a huge leap forward for us running this wheel base many hours every day!! It feels like a completely different product now than it used to beā€¦ (Quite some pain in the ass too oftenā€¦)

So for us just fine tuning simulator-/game-compatibility and maybe the calibration center saving into profile remains on the wish list - but hardy care about that any more as 99% of what we use on a daily base is now resolved with this latest update. So thank you a lot for that!

best regards & stay healthy and safe!

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