IONI Pro HC and small Mige now reports “Overvoltage threshold [FOV] must be > 102% of HV BUS voltage”. FOV used to be 49.50, I increased to 50.50 but again today I get overvoltage error. Also until recently MCC was 6.5 A, but read here for 1hr and saw typical values of 9-11.5. Before this it had running fine for last year.
My hardware configuration:
-Granite Devices IONI Pro HC
-Mige 130ST-M10010 1 Kw 10 Nm 220 V 4.5 A
-Firmware v 1.7.21
-PS 48VDC 480W
Problems arise when:
-Error reported on power up, no beep chime and seemingly no power to wheel - no slight electrical sound it is slow and resistant to turn
How it behaves:
-The HV bus voltage is 49.9 VDC as displayed in Granity Testing screen - is that too high?
I have attached following files:
Mark_settings.drc (9.7 KB)