Newbie please help with download of Simucube Pro not working

Good Morning all.

newbie here and not the most technical PC guy so bear with me. I bought a new Simucube Pro 2, have it set up, plugged in and just downloaded the software from the Simucube site, opened it, tried to install it and I keep getting an error message stating “The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found”

I have tried to reinstall several times, but the same message.

Any advice is appreciated

As the note on the download site states: you need to install the Visual Studio runtime package

Note: Please download and install Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2019 Redistributable package (64bit version) from Microsoft’s server if you get msvc dll errors when you try to start True Drive.

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Perfect, great, thank you . Just did and the software has downloaded and is updating.

Thank you

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