New SinCos encoder

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I have a question regarding (product) regarding (issue).

My hardware configuration:
-(drive type)
Small Mige )
-(New Sincos Encoder)

Problems arise when:
-(I upgraded my encoder to the new SinCos Encoder 2,097,152 cpr resolution. Now the CPR still shows 40000 and not what it is suppose to show. I downloaded the Small MiGE SinCos 480-720W.drc file and installed it via Simucube. My rotation is also an fraction compared to what i am turning.
I am not sure as to what I am doing wrong. )

How it behaves:
-(describe system behavior)

How I would expect it to behave:

I have attached following files:
-(consider adding saved Granity configuration file .drc)

I also would like to share that (additional info).

Note: you can tag the best answer as solution. This helps others to find the solution to the same question.

As you might have noticed in the Release page here:

the DRC file upload from the SimuCUBE Configuration Tool does not work in 0.9.8, thus, the selected DRC file is not uploaded correctly to IONI servo drive.

Please use Granity to set the DRC file (or adjust the parameters manually if you know how). Save settings to drive and restart drive. Then re-run the Motor Configuration Wizard, this time selecting the “The IONI drive works already” option.

Another option is to downgrade the firmware to 0.9.7 version.

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Absolute champion thank you:grin: