Motor Faults Communication Fault

Hi, sometimes i receive following message in the TD software.

Can you help me, which sort of problem i have?

When i receive the message, i push the E-stop and release it and everything is fine again.

Thank you very much.

I few times, I’ve received the message too.
And I did the same to you, and problem fixed.

No matters for me

This is a known issue to us, and we will fix it in a future firmware release. However, as it is easily overcome, and does not happen when driving, it has not had the top priority.


Yes, It has probably happened to most SC2 users at one time or another. I just rec’d it again yesterday after not seeing it weeks. It is discussed on other forums here (enter that number in search).

Thank you very much for your answers. So everything is fine with my SC2. Thank you guys.