MMOS to granity driver windows 10 issue

Have tried several times to upgrade from MMOS and am repeatedly stuck on loading the USB driver. Windows 10 tells me correct driver loaded and will not accept “older driver” which is the driver that is required per the gravity upgrade install instructions. Any help much appreciated.

Are you trying to upgrade from MMOS to Simucube software?

Do you have a Simucube board in your control?

Yes Simucube board in controller. Granite devices simucube. Cannot get windows 10 to load the usb driver. Windows identifies it as an old version of the driver and tells me, correct driver version installed (or words to that effect).

Are you using the ftdi chip driver?

Pm me your email and I will share all of the files you will ever need for Simucube on Dropbox.

If you are in the USA I can also remote connect and help you get up and running if needed.

PM sent thank you in advance Joe.

You are welcome, glad to help.

Perryrace Mark has a grouchy control.
Please check your PM.

We need Dr. Mika!!
