Latest Firmware Update - Simcube Pro 2 - Crashing HELP!

Hi All,

Just formated my computer over night and went to download the True Drive Software for my SC2 Pro, and everytime i open up True Drive Software the program crashes.

Firmware 2021.4_3

I tried to re-install the firmware again using the “C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\Simucube_2_True_Drive_2020.1\Simucube 2 True Drive.exe” fwdowngrade but still no luck…!

Any help to get my SC2 back up and running be much appreciated

Cheers Frank

Downgrade should work even if it is crashing on the new version. I’m just now investigating it.

This will not work, you will need to make a shortcut that points to your old version and then add the
word to the end of the shortcut’s target field.

There is no 2020.1 release and probably your Username there is also wrong…

my username is wrong?

The downgrade works, and when it detects a new firmware automatically it downloads the same Firmware which has been crashing everytime i open

Yes, you will need to do the downgrade with the version you want to downgrade to, and run that version afterwards, and not launch the crashing version at all.

sorry to be stoopid how do i do this?

Download 2020.10, make a shortcut there to downgrade, use the shortcut once, and after it is downgraded, use only that version.

ok ill give it a go now

did the downgrade and keeps popping up with this firmware update - if i cancel the software closes - but if i update it will update to the latest software yeah?

you need to use the shortcut only one time, afterwards delete the shortcut.

Ok I think I also found a few issues with my PCI-E card drivers not installed so updating my chipset and motherboard drivers - I’ll report back on if any issues, thanks for the support help tonight

Everything working fine again after some missing drivers on motherboard installed to support USB

I found a possible reason for crash bug, and will release the fixed version soon.

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