Hello. I was wondering if the TD settings have a way to also provide a Seat of Pants effect to iRacing? I’m asking this because of a problem that occurred.
I got a Fanatec ClubSport F1 ESports wheel with the usb conversion kit on it. I run with irffb purely for SoP, but I found that having the irffb set to 360Hz introduced too much latency. Without the Fanatec wheel plugged in, I can run irffb with the 60Hz direct 360Hz just fine, but with the Fanatec wheel the sc2 pro’s ffb is completely gone in iRacing. If I change it to 360Hz the sc2 comes alive, but with latency and oscillation with rough bumpstop vibrations.
On a side note that may (not) be relevant: the Fanatec wheel isn’t recognized by the Fanatec Wheel Property Page app, but instead it recognizes it as the ClubSport F1 Wheel Base and when I open the property page it freezes (I assume it’s because I don’t have the wheel base).
Thanks for any help!!!