iRacing 360Hz FFB with Simucube 2

fresh debug output from the wheel base.

update received
force		index	microsecs
100.000000	0		683
100.000000	0		2283
200.000000	1		3883
200.000000	1		5483
300.000000	2		7083
200.000000	3		8683
200.000000	3		10283
100.000000	4		11883
100.000000	4		13483
0.000000	5		15083
update received
force		index 	microsecs
200.000000	0 		643
200.000000	0 		2243
400.000000	1 		3843
400.000000	1 		5443
600.000000	2 		7043
400.000000	3 		8643
400.000000	3 		10243
200.000000	4 		11843
200.000000	4 		13443
0.000000	5 		15043
0.000000	5 		16643
0.000000	5 		18243
update received

Awesome progress, thanks for the update Mika!

Is this testbench data or already from iRacing somehow??

Edit: assuming it’s from a testbench, given how round the force numbers are :slight_smile:

It is from my test software.

Now I need to make this stable and to check out all corner cases so that device disconnect etc cannot hang or crash the client software.

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Dont know what I’m looking at, but looks promising

Next step is to document this and see what David thinks, and iterate it a bit…


Is your plan to create an open interface for all DD manufacturers?
Or would this only apply to Simucube?

This is a Simucube specific way to do this. Some other wheel bases have their own APIs.

We are thinking on what the next level should be to replace DirectInput. There are good posts on that on iRacing forums.

Can you link that post? :slight_smile:

specifically this post from David:

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Hi @Mika, any news on how this is coming along? David over at iRacing says he doesn’t have anything to test yet, so was wondering how it’s been going. (


Its been quite busy with other things lately, but I do expect to give him some code to work with in a week.


Code has been delivered, but there is still at least one open question, and likely we’ll test this in a private build for a while if/when the code is accepted by David.


That’s great news, thanks so much for digging into this Mika!! Keeping fingers crossed over here :slight_smile:

awesome, sounds like good progress

Was there any update to this colaboration?

iRacing has been busy with things for the 2023S3 update. I hope they will get a playable version for testing after the season update.

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Hi @Mika , haven’t seen an update on this in a little while. Any news on how things are coming along? Many thanks

I just got back from my summer holidays (I was away for four weeks). I’ve emailed iRacing about how their implementation is going, no news yet.

As we are not into integrated testing/iteration of this yet, I would guess that release for 24S1 is not likely.

Thanks for the update, hope you had a good vacation!

Will it be a new signal or just the old 30Hz signal at a 360Hz sample rate?
Because that signal is already in the IR game engine.