IONI's Baudrate setting

I am rather lost and frankly concerned about the IONI baudrate (or bitrate).
The default baudrate is 460 800 bit/s.
On the other side, Windows reports the baudrate of my USB-SMV2 adapter to be 9600 bit/s.
In Granity, I cannot see any baudrate setting.

My problem is that, in some circonstances, we need to convert the RS485 “bus” (actually, this will be a point-to-point connection, without anything else than a PC and a IONI) to RS232 voltages. The interface I had envisioned is limited to 250 kbit/s… well, I may find another one. More critical, not all RS232 ports on PCs can handle 460 kbit/s.

On the production line, or on a maintenance operation, we shall be able to change the servo-driver (containing the IONI) and let the PC download all configuration data, and (re-)start operation ASAP.

If I change the IONI baudrate over the API, will this setting be remembered in the non-volatile memory ? Having IONIs ready with a slower baudrate may be an option; but then how could they communicate with Granity or any other software through a USB-SMV2 adapter ?

I am concerned that, under some combination of (adverse) circumstances, we have “bricked” IONIs that can be no more talked to :thinking:

no; it will always be 460800 baud at device power-on.