Ionicube e ioni pro

VNM is using PWM.
The open source firmware I’m trying to consider supports absolute encoders for sure but I think that there are a very few people using this support since the firmware is mainly born for AASD drivers and they usually have the 2500/3000 PPR support limit.

Biss-C wiring still remains a mystery instead.
On IoniCUBE:
Pin 12 is for “Clock+” and pin 11 is for “Clock-”,
Pin 15 is for “Data+” and pin 14 is for “Data-”
but I can’t uderstand where they have to be wired on STM Board.

Pin 10 is “0V” on IoniCUBE and has to reach the “GND” pin on STM
Pin 9 is “5+V” on IoniCUBE but in the case of an incremental encoder you shoul not split that connection to reach STM Board also. What about the Biss-C one?

My problem is that I’m trying to make my absolute Biss-C Encoder work well using the electronics I already have. It would have been easier with a SimuCUBE 1 board as I could have used Simucube Firmware, I know.
MMOS Doesn’t support it but works well with the rest of the hardware.
VNM supports it but I have no infos about its compatibility with my driver/motherboard
I’m literally stuck and I’m trying to save something

Sorry, HOAN needs to tell you where it should go on his hid, I don’t have that info. Or, you need to check in the OS FW you’re using with the STM, how it is configured.