IONI firmware plans

Just drive like you normally would, and comment on whether it works or not, feels better/worse, etc…

I was trying the latest IONI firmware (1.7.21) with Simucube and was constantly getting over-velocity faults on initialization as well as a spinning steering wheel from time to time when restarting the drive.

Went back and forth to 1.7.20, no issues at all with the previous.

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Which type of encoder do you have?

Hey Mika,
I have a Hengstler AD58 Biss-B 22ST & 12MT.

Running it at 20bit ST cause of the limitations, same encoder as this thread.

Thanks for the report. There are no other changes in the firmware but those described in the change log, so indeed something may have been broken with that encoder. I’ll raise it to our team’s attention.

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and, anyway, any bug fix in that latest firmware is only fix for a bug that happened in position control mode. Simucube works as a torque motor so the motor is in torque control mode, so it is not possible to hit that bug.

Thanks Mika, just wanted to report it.
Version 1.7.20 is working without issues :+1:

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