Question: thinking of building a simucube1 .
Can I use my Pro servo card from ioni build and transfer to Simucube1 build ?
Yes, you can do that. Good idea would be to update to the latest IONI firmware before you do the switch to Simucube.
So, update current build (ioni cube1) to latest FW before pulling card out ?
2nd, when simucbe build is complete, can i update to simucube sofware ?
Sorry, its been about 4yrs since i built my current controller.
Yes, you can verify the operation with the current build. There are safeguards to not damage the Simucube board in the latest IONI firmware versions. Also the interface that makes it possible to automatically update the IONI firmware by Simucube was only added in IONI firmware 1.6.1 if I remember correctly, so anything older than that will just result in outright problems if you use Simucube firmware and software.