For efficient support requests, please consider using the template below. Fill-in the (blanks) and provide additional info when necessary. Thank you! Best regards, Granite Devices team.
I have a question regarding (product) regarding (issue).
My hardware configuration:
PC (Mach4 hobby),Ethernet Smooth stepper,VSDEPI BOB,Argon Drive and VSD-Ex 160 drive
Modified(retrofitted with Encoder ENC-A5DI-1250-375-H-G) Magmotor BF46-H500H
-(drive firmware version)
-(other details)
Problems arise when:
I would like to have a schematic on connecting the Argon Drive to my existing BOB
I know its a bit of a Frankenstein project but I would like to get 2 axis running on my mill before buying more drives
How it behaves:
-(describe system behavior)
How I would expect it to behave:
I have attached following files:
-(consider adding saved Granity configuration file .drc)
I also would like to share that (additional info).
Note: you can tag the best answer as solution. This helps others to find the solution to the same question.