Help Simcube MIge 30 Nm encoder biss-c

Hi all,
I’m writing from Italy.

I have a question regarding my used Simcube MIge 30 Nm encoder biss-c, just purchased third hand. It gives me actual max current to 24,5 A with 100% overal strengh, but my power unit is MW SDR-480-48 / 48V 10A.

I wonder if it is set correctly since the power supply has 48V and only 10A.
I also did some tests: reasoning on the fact that the power supply did not go beyond 10A I imagined that everything over 10A amper that the motor requested by setting the force to 100% was not satisfied by the power supply and that by setting the force to 40% and obtaining a max of 9.8 A I would have had the same force as the settings at 100%…but instead no! by setting it to 40% I obtain exactly 40% of force compared to the 100% setting.
So I wonder how it manages to have these 24.5 A that are required by setting the force to 100%.
I wonder if the IONI settings are correct, or if they are wrong and that I risk burning the motor or something else, but being a total neophyte I do not even have the courage to enter the IONI settings and I have no idea what to check.
I wonder if anyone can help me.

just use it , the settings are fine. This motor is a beast. if something is wrong it will give you a fault code but i doubt it will.

The servo drive system and current going into the motor coils is totally different thing than what your PSU is able to supply. Your settings are fine.

Hi all,
I’m very happy to hear this.
I love this beast, I come from a Podium DD2 and I have to say the difference in detail, smoothness and response speed is huge!
Thanks for your reply.