Hi all,
I’m writing from Italy.
I have a question regarding my used Simcube MIge 30 Nm encoder biss-c, just purchased third hand. It gives me actual max current to 24,5 A with 100% overal strengh, but my power unit is MW SDR-480-48 / 48V 10A.
I wonder if it is set correctly since the power supply has 48V and only 10A.
I also did some tests: reasoning on the fact that the power supply did not go beyond 10A I imagined that everything over 10A amper that the motor requested by setting the force to 100% was not satisfied by the power supply and that by setting the force to 40% and obtaining a max of 9.8 A I would have had the same force as the settings at 100%…but instead no! by setting it to 40% I obtain exactly 40% of force compared to the 100% setting.
So I wonder how it manages to have these 24.5 A that are required by setting the force to 100%.
I wonder if the IONI settings are correct, or if they are wrong and that I risk burning the motor or something else, but being a total neophyte I do not even have the courage to enter the IONI settings and I have no idea what to check.
I wonder if anyone can help me.