There are some people that I know, who would want to also adjust MCC and MPP directly via SimuCUBE.
We now adjust the power via MMC parameter, which in IONI firmware is used to scale the torque setpoint. Current is limited to MCC level after 1-2 seconds and MPP limits the current according to a calculated power consumption. MCC should be set quite close to MMC parameter in order to get linear forces for the maximum amount of time, but setting them too close might overload the power supply and also the IONI drive requires a little room between the MCC and MMC parameters upon initialization.
Typically the limit of MCC is less relevant as the I2t limit should not kick in due to motor temperature, unless very high constant torques are used.
Only thing I see that would benefit from MCC adjustment, is to have some kind of nonlinearity or deadening of the long peaks in the forces.
What type of nonlinearity is beneficial? How many did adjust also the MCC parameter to get the required feel when using MMOS? What type of additional force adjustment is missing currently?
We will get rid of extra technical parameters from the user interface at some point, but we also want to keep options available for advanced users. To me, it was a real surprise that the MCC and MPP parameters are something that people have been adjusting. So, please try to also convince me why they would be required.
Please discus!