I’m having problems with FFB configuration with Sumcube 2 Ultimate. I’m using a profile from True Drive but when I’m in the box or the car is stoped the wheel shake itself as crazy
AMS2 FFB does require some Friction and/or Damping to control oscillation and provide stability in steering response. There are several ways to apply those effects with AMS2 however, Reiza suggests using generous amounts of the game-ffb Damping in order to get the most dynamic feeling from the various cars on offer.
Some tips for AMS2 FFB:
Avoid using 100% strength FFB (TrueDrive & AMS2) / I prefer a balanced setting. TrueDrive:
Friction - try about 10% to help provide weight and some stability to the steering.
Damping: Zero / Use in-game FFB Damping as it provides more of the intended per-car steering characteristics. The reason will be more evident in future releases of AMS2. The way Damping is scaled is very different than most other titles, hence the suggested 50% starting point.
LFB: Keep this at zero for DD wheels. Additional LFB may increase oscillations.
Damping: Start at 50% and adjust for stability / speed in steering response. I have used as much as 60-70% in testing the current beta version (Using SC2 Pro).
FX: Adds FFB details. Default is smoother with less detailed effects. I have used up to 100% FX with default FFB without issues.
Default+ FFB offers more detail and is considered the standard of FFB for AMS2 as the title continues to be developed. Try different levels of FX to get a feel for the FFB, but too much may cause some instability in steering with some cars. Zero to about 75% should be fine, provided enough Damping is applied to the steering.