F1 2017 crashing after upgrade

Things take time, any reaction from Codemasters?
I still can’t play F1 2017, same problem of freeze persist after the latest patch :frowning:

No reaction from Codemasters. I do intend to capture usb data next to see what actually goes on at the point of crash.

@BalloutRacing any chance you are using a vjoy thing between the SimuCUBE and F1 2017?

some news for the freeze problem of f1 2017?

No news, its been a holiday season since my last update…


Debugged this further today. Removed updating of axis values from SimuCUBE to PC. F1 2017 does not crash anymore, but of course the wheel does not move at all.

So, its something to do with the axis value updates.

I even decreased the rate of the updates to once every second, and F1 2017 will still crash.

Could it be that there are too many axises in SimuCUBE device that makes F1 2017 have some type of overflow…:thinking:

Still have not played this for a while, kinda sucks lol

Any new info on F1 2017 regarding a solution to eliminate the freeze problem?

No. I haven’t found the reason for it, even after the last FFB fixes.

Also absolutely zero response from Codemasters.

Very serious as a codemaster producer … For sure the F1 2018 prox will not take it.

Thanks Mika, I have contacted them as well, hoping for a miracle answer.

They have now contacted me. Hopefully we will find a solution.

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That is great, they also contacted me just now :smile:

Is there any info you could give me that I could give them, to double team them so to say?

maybe not at this point. I’ll let you guys know if any test cases can be done.

Hey Guys,
I finally got F1 2017 not to crash!!
it really seemed to be a graphics freeze, not so much a freeze based on the SimuCUBE although maybe there is some kind of link with the combination…
Video: Geforce 1080, driver version: 388.43
I have done a few things, driver settings, gathered from many threads:


This alone did not work, so then I was thinking about the fan profile on the video card didn’t seem to kick the fans on from stopped, hmmm??
Updated in my case “XTREME GAMING ENGINE”, Gigabyte GTX card. not sure if this had any effect.
then downloaded the newest version of MSI afterburner, lowered the fan speed temperature thresholds and boom, it works, no more freezing.
I have now done many laps, multiple games, many computer reboots over multiple days, works just fine, well as good as this game is… :slight_smile:

P.S. using FanaLEDs version 2.4v

Thanks for reporting. This type of combination / interaction of the issues would be possible and would explain things. I’ve forwarded this to Codemasters.

i don’t think its purely a graphics thing or a graphics thing at all since people with mmos have no problems as i understand.

update: i just tried those graphics settings still crashes instantly.

its intresting why mmos works with everything with no problems.

It might be an issue with the game engine.

I just came from mmos, the game worked fine, only after upgrading to SimuCUBE did the game crashing constantly begin. My pc was also running all my other games perfectly, no crashes.
So, yes it is likely SimuCUBE, F1 2017 and some kind of conflict/temperature related issue.

The point really is this fixes it completely for me.

Did you change the fan profile with the newest version of MSI afterburner?

there is no logic in that either mmos is fine and with simucube there would be some king of temperature related issue ?! that does not compute no logic in that at all.

looks very simple to me, as soon as you gain control and can steer in the game the ffb starts or wheel communication starts. boom instant crash. nothing to do with graphics or temps or different drivers ect. just a simucube problem