Error compilation SimpleMotionV2 to use with VisualStudio

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to compile the SimpleMotionV2lib with QtCreator. In fact, i would like use this lib with my project on Visual Studio. However, I have a problem during compilation:
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_FT_Open in function d2xxPortOpen
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_FT_OpenEx in function d2xxPortOpen
LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_FT_ListDevice in function d2xxgetBusDeviceDetails
I try to compile with "Desktop (x86-windows-msvc2015-pe-64bit).

Thanks a lot,

Can you try adding the QExtSerialPort to your project?

edit: Maybe thats not relevat, but maybe it is.

Those functions are coming from

and the accompanied .lib files. The lib file is only available for windows 32-bit.

It would seem the 64bit version is available inside the zip file here:

Thank you for your reply !
I tried to compile for 64 bit version. Now, I compile for 32bit version and compilation is complete !

Thanks you a lot !

But when i compile, I have .dll but not the .lib.
Do you have the .lib for SimpleMotionV2 ?


I’ve never compiled this project, so can’t really help you there.