This is a long shot but here goes! Trying to put together and OSW Style Direct Drive Wheel and I can’t quite figure out the wiring from the Encoder/IoniCube1x to the STM32F4 Board.
Motor: Mige130ST-AM100110
BISS C Encoder: JKD-4-22PF-G05BL-B-0.3M
IoniCube 1x w/ Ioni Pro
STM32F407 Disco
The STM32F4 is running MMOS and am trying to use the PWM and Dir Setup (Refer top right photo)
In the top left is a pretty standard wiring diagram from most builds, however the encoder they use has more pins (15 i think). My encoder only has 7 pins and from what i understand is newer. I’ve mocked up a wiring diagram with just the essentials of my problem (Refer bottom of image). I just can’t figure out how to connect the Boards or if its not possible and i need a different encoder.
Any ideas or help, greatly appreciated!