Foa, thanks for the kind words. It sometimes is difficult to find a balance between trying to help, and sounding like an all knowing ass.
Slew rate is the maximum value of torque change per millisecond. .
For the Ultimate model we have:
Max. torque: 32Nm
Max. slew rate: 9.5Nm/ms
You start driving, you go straight, the torque is steady. Now you turn and hit a massive kerb. The torque can change within a millisecond from 5Nm to 14.5Nm. From there it can stay, drop or increase within a millisecond to maximum of 24Nm or back to 5Nm. That doesn’t mean it will always change that much. It can change only 0.1Nm, it fully depends on what you do or happens. The maximum change per millisecond is always these 9.5Nm. If you have a high speed accident, you drive with 300 km/h frontal into a wall Fe, it would take 3 milliseconds to go from 1Nm to 29.5Nm!!! Be careful, you should hit the emergency stop button ASAP and take the hands off the wheel. See the manual for hands off detection. This is NO TOY AT ALL, it can brake your hand like nothing, and even worse.
A today’s F1 driver has power steering. The torque at the steering wheel is pretty low, maybe maximum 8 to 10Nm while driving. GT cars maybe have up to 15Nm in normal conditions. Your Ultimate is a bit of an overkill to be honest. One thing is sure though: upgrading is a word you won’t use in this life again (from DD wheel point of view).
The incoming signal exceeds in a single or multiple ways the capabilities of your Ultimate. And this regardless of the torque you have set in True Drive. The result is, it will be clipped, not delivered, removed. All details are gone, the information is 0.
And you can visually see it, the colour code of the DD at the back changes, and you can hear it, there will be a beep code coming aswell. Again: it’s really important to read and understand the manual mate.
The rig:
I have a product from a company from Denmark. The PSR1 from Pro Simrig is absolutely top. This speaks for itself:
Especially with a Simucube 2 and load cell pedals with a maximum of 200kg of pressure you will hate any kind of flex. It is not good for beeing fast and ruins totally the immersion.
I hope I didn’t forget too much. If so…I will answer after the hairdresser I’m heading to