Eeprom Write cycle

They are loaded from Simucube.

So I guess we have to save to Simucube for ease of use. Too bad though, since saving to Simucube seems like an old school way of doing it. Would much prefer to have my profiles in the cloud, not dependant of any hardware, myself.

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Any news on how this will work on the future? I like to tweak settings a lot and i use that button a lot.

Everytime i change a setting and not save it to eeprom when i reopen true drive it doesnt save.

Why not make an option for users to make simucube load settings (but not saving inside eeprom) from hard disk when true drive is opened?


You only need to click save when you want to permanently save. The changes do persist over True Drive restarts but not over device restarts.

There are no planned changes coming in the short term.