DRC file needed

I have a question regarding Ioni Pro HC config file.

My hardware configuration:

I was messing with flashing my FFB controller and managed to screw things up:
-Everything seems to be fine except i need the proper DRC file(I am dumb enough not to back it up)

I used this to test my theory that I wiped my config somehow and I was right when things worked using this: https://granitedevices.com/w/images/7/79/SimuCUBE_Mige_130ST-M10010_5Amp.drc

My problem now is that the rotation isn’t correct(if I turn 90 degrees to the left, it’s duplicated to 180 output on SimuCUBE config tool) and my encoder is 10000 not 5000.

Note: I am a complete newbie. I know next to nothing about any of this. I have only learned the programs a bit because I’ve been trying to tackle this issue longer than it should have taken. I will follow up with more questions after I get help most likely because I really don’t wanna be in the wrong boat again.

I received this just a few days ago and it was at a time where I couldn’t contact the supplier to help me setup. I was in a rush to get things going and I’ve learned my lesson. It’s taking way longer than a 1 hour session.

Thanks in advance.

what motor and encoder do you have ?

if you use a small mige with 10.000 ppr you can use this https://www.dropbox.com/s/swvgipxhqwtuq9p/Small%20MIGE%2010000ppr%20Default.drc?dl=0


Thanks man it worked! I don’t wanna admit how long I spent being pissed at this haha.

And yes that’s the motor and encoder I have.

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My pleasure :slight_smile: these are actually the base settings from the augury kit which i have. but of course it doesn’t matter since the hardware is exactly the same.

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