I"m using a Ioni pro to drive a direct drive brushless motor with an encoder directly on the axis.
When the ioni starts, during the initialization phase, the motor turns a little in one direction then in the other but this is done too quickly regarding the weigh I have on this axis.
I set lowest speed i can and reduce the acceleration velocity but I guess this do not set the initialization phase

It is possible to decrease the velocity of this movement ?
Hopes i have been clear enought.
thank you.
Hi William
I’m under impression that it’s hard-coded into the firmware, how fast the phasing is done.
What king of axis you have? Phasing being too fast sounds a bit odd, as it’s quite slow compared to the maximum speed of a motor.
Kind regards,
is it to move a Direct Drive Telescop Mount. So I have 44lb of telescop on the axis. Moving it so fast is generating lot of effort on the mount.
Thank you
Hi William
I sent a message about this to our software team. I’m sure slowing down the phasing is doable, however when we have time to do that, is another matter.
Phasing can be skipped completely if you have hall sensors or an absolute encoder. The latter also supports homing, so you would have absolute position immediately after IONI has otherwise initialized.
With simucube we are using 22 bit (24 bit in Ultimate) absolute encoders, and I’m sure telescope use would also benefit from the resolution (4.2 M pulses per revolution).
Kind regards,
Hello Esa,
thank you for you answer and to have asked the question to your dev team.
Absolute encoder is more expensive than a SinCos this is why i’m using SinCos one.
But indeed it’s good to knwo that with an absolute encoder phasing can be skipped.
With my Sincos encoder and the Ioni Pro Interpolator i can reach 16M pulses per revolution and it’s the minimum to got enought accuracy for a telescop mount. 24bit would be the minimum in Absolute.
Kind Regards,