Converting shared tunes

A question that may have been answered on the forums but I didn’t know how to search it and my attempts came up empty.

How do I convert tunes from different simucube wheel bases than mine? I have a SC2 Pro coming in the mail and a few of the recommended tunes for games I want to try out are from ultimate and sport models. How do I convert this accordingly? Do I have to change all settings or just the gain?

For sport profiles just gain should be enough. I doubt the slightly better specific features would effect them so much that a change for other options would be warranted. For ultimate there are more options to tweak, but when used with “lesser” bases they are maybe just ignored?

In general, people seem to be worried they can use proper settings/profiles to get close to best experience from the get go. In reality you will spend some time tweaking the settings you download from paddock to your liking anyway. That is part of the new user experience :slight_smile:

I haven’t downloaded or tested that many paddock profiles, but when I do I just compare different aspects of those to my own profile, compare the values and try to learn why they feel different.