Configuration cloning

Hi there :grinning:

Let’s suppose I tuned a IONI PRO with Granity, I used it successfully through the API, and I am satisfied with how it works.
Is there a simple way to extract ALL configuration parameters on my prototype (is a .drc file enough ?), so that they could be later downloaded to another IONI through the API ?
On the final project, I we need the software to write all IONI parameters at power-up; if the IONI has been replaced (or the sub-equipment containing it), it should be automatic and transparent (people on the field will not play with Granity like I did).
The (text) content of a .drc file does not make me think we can easily write a routine to write parameters using smSetParameter :thinking:


DRC file is enough.

There is also a deployment tool that uses an API call to write all parameters, and the source code is available here:

Specifically, have a look at
smLoadConfiguration() function in devicedeployment.h./c that internally parses the DRC file.


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That looks super-cool :heart_eyes:

One thing to take into account is that the calibration of the encoder versus the motor phase angles (phases) is something that does not transfer well from setup to setup, or that is at least very dependent on the setup you have. But doing that calibration programmatically is also achievable. For example the SImucube 1 firmware / pc software does that, and I can share that part of source code if required.

I don’t think I need this, but we’ll see when the mechanics is fully functional. Thanks anyway.