Cannot run SimuCube (or update the firmware) after moving from Intel -> AMD

Hi All.

I recently have reloaded my machine. As part of that, I’ve moved from Intel → AMD.
SimuCube was sitting on an separate drive to the boot drive.

So. Of course I decided to update to the latest firmware from 1.0.39 to 1.0.50.
On running the app, it wanted to upgrade the firmware.

It went into upgrade mode, sent the data, but failed after verify with “simucube returned wrong checksum from received data”.

I then tried 1.0.39, and also 1.0.30 again. Both have the same result (they all want me to update firmware, and all fail with same problem).

I’ve tried plugging the unit into an Intel laptop, and the firmware upgrade fails with the same message.

Please can I get a hand in sorting this out? Ta!

Here are the details from Granity:

settings.drc (9.5 KB)

Interesting. Did you power cycle the Simucube between attempts?

I did in the end.

I can’t recall the exact steps I took now. Did I cycle it directly after the first failure, before trying 1.0.39 again? Sorry, can’t remember.

I know I did after reading a couple of posts here - trying again on the intel laptop as well.

I’m happy to try to reload the firmware using … well… anything, if possible. Even if that means I loose my setups (which I think, were stored on the Ioni? Dunno - I could be wrong there).

Any next steps or things to try - would be welcomed.

Strange issue. For sure it should work just fine on AMD as well. Have you tried other USB ports on that PC?

I tried a whole new PC (the intel one) - is that not enough?
I have switched ports on the new (amd) machine…

I get:

which pauses for a few seconds

followed by


After that update, I have one short, one long green LED signal.

Is it possible to try to upload the same firmware - or do some other kind of reset of the device, using Granity? (I presume MMOS is very old and no longer in the picture)

Here’s a vid of turning on the hardware:

or link here

Granity is for adjusting servo drive parameters by connecting directly to servo drive. It bypasses the Simucube microcontroller’s firmware completely.

You may want to use DfuSeDemo and install bootloader-and-reset-all-settings.dfu file to device, then you would get a reset of the Simucube microcontroller.

I’ve put the hardware into DFU mode, using the jumper on the board.

Then; after installing the STM driver, I’ve tried to upload the bootloader:

Unfortunately - It fails as well.

Next step?

If that does not work, then I have a strong belief that the flash memory on the Simucube microcontroller is broken.

And I presume that’s just the small daughter board? Can I still buy one?

Its the STM32F407VE microcontroller on the main Simucube board. Contact our support for spare enquiry.

The new board arrived today, and I am happy to reply with “it now works” :slight_smile:

New main board installed, and flashed.
All works. Thanks for the support and help.