I have a question regarding IONI regarding initialisation
My hardware configuration:
-ioni - STD & PRO
-BLDC with encoder & hall
-1.7.1, 1.7.2
-(other details)
Problems arise when:
-Drive is either switched on for the first time, or re-initialised
How it behaves:
-If, after initial power-up & green ENA light, the motor shaft is wiggled by hand, or it is driven very slowly to start with, all is then fine, and I can subsequently drive the motor how I like. However, if I send a high speed to the motor after power-up/enable, it glitches & switches off (fault).
How I would expect it to behave:
-I would expect the initialisation process to be a little more bombproof.
I have attached following files:
-(consider adding saved Granity configuration file .drc)
I also would like to share that (additional info).
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