As the title states, Actual steering angle not in synch with animation in true drive when playing R3E. This only occurs when sometime after starting R3E. When this happens, closing R3E and starting any other game, the error between actual steering angle and true drive animation follows suit within any other game (steering is off). The only way I know to rectify this, is to perform a full reset of the wheel base, then all is good as long as I don’t play R3E. This issue is driving me nuts. I’d love to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar not only with R3E, but any off-steering experiences…Miuch thanks!
R3E might be the only game at the moment, that uses our API to set the steering angle from in-game. True Drive however will always use the setting in the profile when drawing the steering wheel.
This does not affect driving at all, and when you quit the game it should return back to normal. But, as you are saying that it does not happen, perhaps there is an issue where R3E isn’t giving the command to resume normal mode for the steering angle, or that the command is somehow not received by the device correctly. I will test this.
Thanks so much for the information! You have taught me that the out-of-synch steering animation in true drive when playing R3E is normal, but the problem might be related to the game not sending the wheelbase the info it needs to revert back to normal. This makes sense to me as R3E has been crashing with every single use, mostly when viewing a replay…thus I tested the game, perfect steering in-game with animatino being out of synch. Closed the game before a crash could occur and voila, the animatino reverted back to being in-synch!! Now all I have to do is try to figure out why the game crashes mostly when viewing replays (exception code 0xC0000005) - their discord hasn’t been very helpful unfortunately. But, at least, we have solved the mistery of the out-of synch steering. Question though, if it happens again, might there be any other way to reset the wheelbase without having to unplug it? might there be a soft-reset capability? Thanks again!!!
Reset FFB Device State button on the last tab in True Drive does it.
Thank you, super helpful indeed!!..