SimuCUBE Open Source Firmware release thread

I have an wish for an function to set the overall strength, as my steering wheels differ a bit in weight and diameter it would be nice to be able to adjust all profiles strength with one parameter.

(the possibility to change all parameters relative to current profile would be even better)

On rFactor2, the steering wheel loses its centering, even without impact, and suddenly.
Small mige 0.11.00.
thank you

does the off-center remain after you restart the system? Does your issue only affect rFactor2?

Thanks,Mika !
After restart simucube,i drived 20 tours of Bahrein (rF2) without problèm.

I’ve been getting the same issue along with some jittery on-screen wheel tracking. Do you pause mid race and then restart Simucube or restart the race and Simucube completely? Wasn’t sure if it was my encoder that was causing the problem as it only happens occasionally and only after driving for a while.

Very interesting. Please, paste the debug logs. But this is a wrong thread, please use the bug reporting thread from now on.

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I take it you want the debug logs from when it happens or are they stored from previous sessions that I can bring up?

when it happens - they are not stored in the device.

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0.11.2 has been officially released.


0.11.5 will ship last day of november or it will postponed for december ?

Our other simulation-related projects :sunglasses: have taken priority for the moment, leaving insufficient time to prepare a firmware release. I doubt we will have time to release this week. Keep in mind that the next release is something that we should be able to push to open source repository again, and a lot of work has been done towards making it happen.


Im assuming by the picture we are getting wireless for our wheels which would be awesome! I was looking at ways to do this recently so if you need anyone for testing count me in and just let me know what I would need to make it work.

Come on Mika, spill the beans already!


Yep Beans, I need a christmas present

@Raptoid: I know things - secret things - or, not :lol:

Can we start a wild speculation thread?

I’m speculating they’re putting together full systems …!!!

Now im wondering What you might or might not know. All i Know is ive seen things that cant be unseen lol.

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Lols Troy. The same here :joy:

Would be great in making Simucube even more accessible, would benefit the whole Simucube ecosystem by growing user base and an alternative turnkey solution to others coming to market #soon

Please feel free to set up a speculation thread if you want, and lets keep this thread only for announcing new releases.