########################################################### ########################################################### # NAME: rFuktor - By Karsten with Shadak, Panos, Kuku, tUMi # The original # # Any modification/tuning/reposting anywhere is allowed, only requirement is to # KEEP the 1st line with original name and creds as it is. Additional naming and creds can be put in the 2nd line. # # Special THANKS to Santos for all his early dedication and work. # # HUGE THANKS! to everybody for helping this file on the way: # # Shadak, Panos, Santos, tUMi, Peter Stefani, Stakanov, GodzillaGTR, Richard Appleyard, NuScorpii, Kuku, Alegunner, AxisMagi, SlapShot82, Chip, tpw, inthebagbud, Michael Enright, TorsteinVh, Ray Sheppard, psone, Dean Ogurek, John Ellis, Gillish, Mikk Schleifer, CycloZeb # & everybody else I missed in the Reiza forum for continued suggestions, expertise & help balancing this file! # # If you copy this over in full or partly, or base a solution on the same general methods after seeing it, please credit "Momentum Rack" however used("included"/"extended"/"modified"/"based on"), I would be pleased - Thanks. # ########################################################### # # Madness bug madness # # Create many vars here so the madness bug will hit that. # (madness_bug1 1.0) (madness_bug2 1.0) (madness_bug3 1.0) (madness_bug4 1.0) (madness_bug5 1.0) (madness_bug6 1.0) (madness_bug7 1.0) (madness_bug8 1.0) (madness_bug9 1.0) (madness_bug10 1.0) (madness_bug11 1.0) (madness_bug12 1.0) (madness_bug13 1.0) (madness_bug14 1.0) (madness_bug15 1.0) (madness_bug16 1.0) (madness_bug17 1.0) (madness_bug18 1.0) (madness_bug19 1.0) (madness_bug20 1.0) (madness_bug21 1.0) (madness_bug22 1.0) (madness_bug23 1.0) (madness_bug24 1.0) (madness_bug25 1.0) (madness_bug26 1.0) (madness_bug27 1.0) (madness_bug28 1.0) (madness_bug29 1.0) (madness_bug30 1.0) ########################################################### # # Main dials # (master_rack 0.74) #Rack and road scale. (master_road 1.30) #Road bumps, details and suspension (master_effects 1.55) #Effects scale. (gain2 (min 1 gain)) (lfb_slider2 (* 0.6 (power (/ (+ 0.05 lfb_slider) 0.95) 1.2))) (df_compression (power (max 0 (* (/ 1 0.6) (- gain2 0.4))) 1.5)) #calculated range 0-1. 0 is result for gain 0-40%. This will keep DD bases at compression of 0, when using high output on the hardware. (damping damping_slider) #use in range 0.0 - 1.0 (lfbval lfb_slider) (force_scale (* 1.7 (/ 0.23 centering))) ########################################################### # # Set dt to old static value # (dt (/ 1 300)) ########################################################### # # Rack settings # (tighten_range 0) #Use for lower end wheel bases. (tighten_falloff 0) #Use for lower end wheel bases. (tyre_initial_resist 3.2) (tyre_resistance1_timing 0.000) #higher for larger time build up of resistance force. higher gives less friction fell, but also more delay in the steering. (tyre_resistance1_lo_df 0.6) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (tyre_resistance1_hi_df 0.3) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (tyre_resistance2_timing 0.002) #higher for larger time build up of resistance force. higher gives less friction fell, but also more delay in the steering. (tyre_resistance2_lo_df 1.6) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (tyre_resistance2_hi_df 1.5) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (tyre_resistance3_timing 0.005) #higher for larger time build up of resistance force. higher gives less friction fell, but also more delay in the steering. (tyre_resistance3_lo_df 0.55) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (tyre_resistance3_hi_df 0.5) #higher for more resistance on turning. works in combination with tyre_resistance_timing. (rack_friction (* damping 0.5)) (lfb_slider_strength 0.5) #0.0-1.0. How steep lfb slider adjusts the curve. (center_full 0.9) #0.0-2.0. Higher than 2 does not really do anything good. (over_steer_scale 1.3) (under_steer_scale 1.32) (exaggerate_front_load_feel 0.0) (exaggerate_front_load_feel_hi_df 0.0) (power_steering_angle 0.4) #https://www.desmos.com/calculator/kye3awmnqf (limit_high_df 1.0) #Limits how stiff the steering becomes in high df cars. Range: 0.0-1.0. 0.0=most extreme high df possible, 1.0=limit high df as much as possible. (velocity_res_scale 0.4) #How much velocity affects resistance (velocity_res_offset 0.6) #How much resistance at velocity 0 (vel_rot_scale 1.0) (vel_rot_limit_coef 1.0) (static_force_reduction_timing 0.2) #Lower will make static force "low" force quicker, higher will make it slower to adjust to current force. (normal_static_force_reduction 0.05) #Range: 0.0 - 1.0. Always reduce the averaged force. This gives less constant/slow force on cornering or quick turning, and preserves the quick forces. (exp_static_force_reduction 0.15) #Range: 0.0 - 1.0. Under low df, reduce the highest end of averaged force only. (exp_static_force_reduction_hi_df 0.12) #Range: 0.0 - 1.0. Under high df, reduce the highest end of averaged force only. (rear_grip_loss_feel 0.0) #How much rear grip loss decreases feel of grip (yaw_scale_fast 0.025) (yaw_scale_delayed 0.1) (yaw_delay 0.005) (slip_crossover_pos 0.125) #slip effect graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/iskij6snwe (slip_crossover_width 0.54) (slip_crossover_line1_slope 0.2) (slip_crossover_line2_start_y 0.1) (slip_crossover_line2_end_y 0.95) (subtract_rot_velocity (* damping 2)) (accel_feel 1.0) (brake_feel 1.2) (front_drive_torque_feel 1.7) (rear_drive_torque_feel 0.0) (front_tyre_stretch_feel 0.04) (rear_tyre_stretch_feel 0.1) (relax_us_line2_start_y 0.0008) #relax_us used for under-steer: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/bftmcp0sfc (relax_us_pos 0.0011) (relax_us_width 0.00263) (relax_us_coef -0.01) (relax_yaw_line2_start_y 0.0) #relax_yaw used for yaw relaxation: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ls4b3rme9l (relax_yaw_pos 0.0016) (relax_yaw_width 0.00306) (relax_yaw_coef -0.0157) (bump_feel_follow_weight 0.10) (brake_feel_follow_weight 0.0) (brake_coef 1.2) (centering 0.54) (on_off_throttle_feel 0.25) #is felt on: fast throttel up/down and so also on gear shifts with auto-clutch. (tear_threshold 0.2) #how early the tear feel appears - the higher the later. (scrub_threshold 0.35) (road_rolling_slip_feel 1) ########################################################### # # Road features settings # (texture_scale 1.0) (micro_bumps_scale 0.375) (micro_bumps_smooth 0.008) (kerbs_surface_scale 5.0) (kerbs_surface_smooth 0.03) (kerb_bump_scale 3.0) #How big the tall curb bumps are. (large_track_bump_scale 0.045) #how much bumps on the track are felt. (large_offroad_bump_scale 0.05) #how much bumps off the track are felt. ########################################################### # # Effect scales - Change here to make an effect more or less pronounced. # (engine_scale_at_still 0.6) (engine_scale_at_speed 0.0) (scrub_scale 3.0) (tear_scale 0.32) (tear_hard 0.4) (scrub_frq_scale 0.25) (tear_frq_scale 3.2) (flatspots_scale 0.0) #how much you feel the flat spotting. At default 1.0 flatspots are nicely felt in a formula V10. (suspension_scale 0.5) #how much the suspension is felt. (rear_bump_scale 0.4) (rear_bump_hard 0.8) ########################################################### # # Dynamic adjustment to bump feel based on car weight # (bump_weight_scale (/ 500 (/ (+ corner_FL corner_FR) 9.8))) (bump_weight_scale (+ 1 (* bump_feel_follow_weight (- bump_weight_scale 1)))) (texture_scale (* texture_scale bump_weight_scale)) (micro_bumps_scale (* micro_bumps_scale bump_weight_scale)) (kerbs_surface_scale (* kerbs_surface_scale bump_weight_scale)) (kerb_bump_scale (* kerb_bump_scale bump_weight_scale)) (suspension_scale (* suspension_scale bump_weight_scale)) (rear_bump_scale (* rear_bump_scale bump_weight_scale)) ########################################################### # # Dynamic adjustment to brake feel based on car weight # (brake_weight_scale (/ 500 (/ (+ corner_FL corner_FR) 9.8))) (brake_weight_scale (+ 1 (* brake_feel_follow_weight (- brake_weight_scale 1)))) (brake_feel (/ brake_feel brake_weight_scale)) ########################################################### # # Kart adjustments # (isKart (if (min 0 (- steer_ratio 5)) 1 0)) (master_rack (if isKart 1.0 master_rack)) (master_road (if isKart 3.5 master_road)) (centering (if isKart 0.99 centering)) (force_scale (if isKart 2.0 force_scale)) (tyre_initial_resist (if isKart 0.5 tyre_initial_resist)) (tyre_resistance1_lo_df (if isKart 0.5 tyre_resistance1_lo_df)) (tyre_resistance1_hi_df (if isKart 0.5 tyre_resistance1_hi_df)) (tyre_resistance2_lo_df (if isKart 0.5 tyre_resistance2_lo_df)) (tyre_resistance2_hi_df (if isKart 0.5 tyre_resistance2_hi_df)) (tyre_resistance3_lo_df (if isKart 0.35 tyre_resistance3_lo_df)) (tyre_resistance3_hi_df (if isKart 0.35 tyre_resistance3_hi_df)) (rack_friction (if isKart 0.5 rack_friction)) (vel_rot_scale (if isKart 1.5 vel_rot_scale)) (over_steer_scale (if isKart 0.9 over_steer_scale)) (under_steer_scale (if isKart 0.2 under_steer_scale)) (accel_feel (if isKart 0.0 accel_feel)) (brake_feel (if isKart 6.0 brake_feel)) (front_drive_torque_feel (if isKart 0.0 front_drive_torque_feel)) (rear_drive_torque_feel (if isKart 3.5 rear_drive_torque_feel)) (suspension_scale (if isKart 2.5 suspension_scale)) (rear_bump_scale (if isKart 2.0 rear_bump_scale)) (front_tyre_stretch_feel (if isKart 0.05 front_tyre_stretch_feel)) (rear_tyre_stretch_feel (if isKart 0.3 rear_tyre_stretch_feel)) (rear_grip_loss_feel (if isKart 0.0 rear_grip_loss_feel)) (relax_us_width (if isKart 0.01 relax_us_width)) (vel_rot_limit_coef (if isKart 5.0 vel_rot_limit_coef)) (yaw_scale_fast (if isKart 0.0 yaw_scale_fast)) (yaw_scale_delayed (if isKart 0.05 yaw_scale_delayed)) (yaw_delay (if isKart 0.15 yaw_delay)) (kerbs_surface_scale (if isKart 7.5 kerbs_surface_scale)) (kerb_bump_scale (if isKart 0.2 kerb_bump_scale)) (subtract_rot_velocity (if isKart 0.8 subtract_rot_velocity)) (texture_scale (if isKart 0.35 texture_scale)) (micro_bumps_scale (if isKart 0.2 micro_bumps_scale)) (scrub_scale (if isKart 2.0 scrub_scale )) (tear_scale (if isKart 0.32 tear_scale )) (tear_threshold (if isKart 0.2 tear_threshold )) (scrub_threshold (if isKart 0.35 scrub_threshold )) (engine_scale_at_still (if isKart 0.9 engine_scale_at_still )) (large_track_bump_scale (if isKart 3.0 large_track_bump_scale)) ########################################################### # # Helper vars & prep # (ratio_scale (/ steer_ratio 8)) (kmh (* (abs vel_mag) 3600 0.001)) (speed_bias10 (max 0.0 (min 1.0 (/ (- kmh 3) 7.0)))) (delta_sa_max (* dt 3.14 2 ratio_scale)) (e 2.71828182846) (flatspot_smoothing (blend (min 1 (* kmh 0.005)) 0.06 0.01)) (flatspot_vol (blend (min 1 (* kmh 0.005)) 2.5 1)) (fl_fs_sm (* 10 (smooth FL_Flatspot flatspot_smoothing))) (fr_fs_sm (* 10 (smooth FR_Flatspot flatspot_smoothing))) (RL_slide (min 1 (/ RL_scrub 15))) (RR_slide (min 1 (/ RR_scrub 15))) (slide_factor 0.9) (FL_sl (* 1.0 (min 1 (* slide_factor FL_slide)))) (FR_sl (* 1.0 (min 1 (* slide_factor FR_slide)))) (RL_sl (* 1.0 (min 1 (* slide_factor RL_slide)))) (RR_sl (* 1.0 (min 1 (* slide_factor RR_slide)))) (FL_sl (* FL_sl (if (max 0 (- FL_load 1)) 1 0))) (FR_sl (* FR_sl (if (max 0 (- FR_load 1)) 1 0))) (RL_sl (* RL_sl (if (max 0 (- RL_load 1)) 1 0))) (RR_sl (* RR_sl (if (max 0 (- RR_load 1)) 1 0))) (slip_fl FL_sl) (slip_fr FR_sl) (slip_rl RL_sl) (slip_rr RR_sl) (tear_threshold_half (max 0.0001 (* tear_threshold 0.5))) (FL_tear_early (max 0 (- 1 (/ (max 0 (- FL_sl tear_threshold_half)) tear_threshold_half)))) (FR_tear_early (max 0 (- 1 (/ (max 0 (- FR_sl tear_threshold_half)) tear_threshold_half)))) (RL_tear_early (max 0 (- 1 (/ (max 0 (- RL_sl tear_threshold_half)) tear_threshold_half)))) (RR_tear_early (max 0 (- 1 (/ (max 0 (- RR_sl tear_threshold_half)) tear_threshold_half)))) (FL_tear (max 0 (- FL_sl tear_threshold))) (FR_tear (max 0 (- FR_sl tear_threshold))) (RL_tear (max 0 (- RL_sl tear_threshold))) (RR_tear (max 0 (- RR_sl tear_threshold))) (FL_scrub (* 15 (power (/ (max 0 (- FL_sl scrub_threshold)) (- 1 scrub_threshold)) 0.6))) (FR_scrub (* 15 (power (/ (max 0 (- FR_sl scrub_threshold)) (- 1 scrub_threshold)) 0.6))) (RL_scrub (* 15 (power (/ (max 0 (- RL_sl scrub_threshold)) (- 1 scrub_threshold)) 0.6))) (RR_scrub (* 15 (power (/ (max 0 (- RR_sl scrub_threshold)) (- 1 scrub_threshold)) 0.6))) (FL_sl_lat (/ FL_vel_y (max 0.5 (abs FL_vel_x)))) (FR_sl_lat (/ FR_vel_y (max 0.5 (abs FR_vel_x)))) (RL_sl_lat (/ (- RL_vel_y FL_vel_y) (max 0.5 (* 2 (abs RL_vel_x))))) (RR_sl_lat (/ (- RR_vel_y FR_vel_y) (max 0.5 (* 2 (abs RR_vel_x))))) (FL_sl_lat (hard_clip FL_sl_lat 1.0)) (FR_sl_lat (hard_clip FR_sl_lat 1.0)) (RL_sl_lat (hard_clip RL_sl_lat 1.0)) (RR_sl_lat (hard_clip RR_sl_lat 1.0)) (p slip_crossover_pos) (w slip_crossover_width) (l1 (* slip_fl slip_crossover_line1_slope)) (l2 (* (if (min 0 slip_fl) -1 1) (+ slip_crossover_line2_start_y (* (abs slip_fl) (- slip_crossover_line2_end_y slip_crossover_line2_start_y))))) (b (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- slip_fl p) w) 0.5)))))) (slip_fl2 (+ (* l1 b) (* l2 (- 1 b)))) (l1 (* slip_fr slip_crossover_line1_slope)) (l2 (* (if (min 0 slip_fr) -1 1) (+ slip_crossover_line2_start_y (* (abs slip_fr) (- slip_crossover_line2_end_y slip_crossover_line2_start_y))))) (b (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- slip_fr p) w) 0.5)))))) (slip_fr2 (+ (* l1 b) (* l2 (- 1 b)))) (l1 (* slip_rl slip_crossover_line1_slope)) (l2 (* (if (min 0 slip_rl) -1 1) (+ slip_crossover_line2_start_y (* (abs slip_rl) (- slip_crossover_line2_end_y slip_crossover_line2_start_y))))) (b (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- slip_rl p) w) 0.5)))))) (slip_rl2 (+ (* l1 b) (* l2 (- 1 b)))) (l1 (* slip_rr slip_crossover_line1_slope)) (l2 (* (if (min 0 slip_rr) -1 1) (+ slip_crossover_line2_start_y (* (abs slip_rr) (- slip_crossover_line2_end_y slip_crossover_line2_start_y))))) (b (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- slip_rr p) w) 0.5)))))) (slip_rr2 (+ (* l1 b) (* l2 (- 1 b)))) (slip_fl2 (min 1 slip_fl2)) (slip_fr2 (min 1 slip_fr2)) (slip_rl2 (min 1 slip_rl2)) (slip_rr2 (min 1 slip_rr2)) (slip_fl2 (smooth slip_fl2 0.01)) (slip_fr2 (smooth slip_fr2 0.01)) (slip_rl2 (smooth slip_rl2 0.01)) (slip_rr2 (smooth slip_rr2 0.01)) (grip_fl (- 1 slip_fl2)) (grip_fr (- 1 slip_fr2)) (grip_rl (- 1 slip_rl2)) (grip_rr (- 1 slip_rr2)) (FL_def (* FL_def (power (max 0 (- 1 FL_tear)) 2))) (FR_def (* FR_def (power (max 0 (- 1 FR_tear)) 2))) (FL_stretch (power FL_stretch (power (abs FL_stretch) -0.025))) (FR_stretch (power FR_stretch (power (abs FR_stretch) -0.025))) (RL_stretch (power RL_stretch (power (abs RL_stretch) -0.05))) (RR_stretch (power RR_stretch (power (abs RR_stretch) -0.05))) (steering_angle_rack (* (+ steering_angle_FL steering_angle_FR) 0.5 3.14159265 ratio_scale)) (steering_angle_l steering_angle_rack) (steering_angle_r steering_angle_rack) (sa_delta_rack (* (/ 1 (* dt 333)) (- steering_angle_rack old_sa_rack))) (old_sa_rack steering_angle_rack) (sa_delta_rack (hard_clip sa_delta_rack delta_sa_max)) (lat_l_oversteer (* RL_sl_lat over_steer_scale)) (lat_r_oversteer (* RR_sl_lat over_steer_scale)) (lat_l_understeer (* FL_sl_lat under_steer_scale)) (lat_r_understeer (* FR_sl_lat under_steer_scale)) (lat_l_understeer (blend (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- (abs lat_l_understeer) relax_us_pos) relax_us_width) 0.5))))) (* (if (min 0 lat_l_understeer) -1 1) (+ relax_us_line2_start_y (* (abs lat_l_understeer) (- 1 relax_us_line2_start_y)))) (power lat_l_understeer (power (abs lat_l_understeer) relax_us_coef)))) (lat_r_understeer (blend (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- (abs lat_r_understeer) relax_us_pos) relax_us_width) 0.5))))) (* (if (min 0 lat_r_understeer) -1 1) (+ relax_us_line2_start_y (* (abs lat_r_understeer) (- 1 relax_us_line2_start_y)))) (power lat_r_understeer (power (abs lat_r_understeer) relax_us_coef)))) (lat_oversteer (* 0.5 (+ lat_l_oversteer lat_r_oversteer))) (lat_l (+ lat_oversteer lat_l_understeer)) (lat_r (+ lat_oversteer lat_r_understeer)) (lat_l (blend speed_bias10 0 lat_l)) (lat_r (blend speed_bias10 0 lat_r)) (steering_angle_l (- steering_angle_l (* lat_l 3.14159265))) (steering_angle_r (- steering_angle_r (* lat_r 3.14159265))) (sa_delta_l (* (/ 1 (* dt 333)) (- steering_angle_l old_sa_l))) (sa_delta_r (* (/ 1 (* dt 333)) (- steering_angle_r old_sa_r))) (old_sa_l steering_angle_l) (old_sa_r steering_angle_r) (sa_delta_l (hard_clip sa_delta_l delta_sa_max)) (sa_delta_r (hard_clip sa_delta_r delta_sa_max)) (FL_start_load_front (/ corner_FL 9.8)) (FR_start_load_front (/ corner_FR 9.8)) (FL_load_norm (/ FL_load FL_start_load_front)) (FR_load_norm (/ FR_load FR_start_load_front)) (rel_weight_FL (smooth FL_load_norm 0.1)) (rel_weight_FR (smooth FR_load_norm 0.1)) (load_df (+ (* 0.66 (min rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR)) (* 0.33 (max rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR)))) (load_power_fx (max 0.0 (min 1.0 (* 2.5 (- load_df 1))))) (load_power_fx (min load_power_fx (smooth load_power_fx 0.1))) (limit_high_df_scale1 (blend df_compression 1 100)) (limit_high_df_scale2 5) (limit_high_df (* limit_high_df (max limit_high_df_scale1 limit_high_df_scale2))) (x (+ 0.01 (* 0.2 limit_high_df))) (y (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 x)))) (FL_load_norm_s (smooth FL_load_norm 0.6)) (FR_load_norm_s (smooth FR_load_norm 0.6)) (FL_load_norm_s (if (min 0 (- FL_load_norm_s 1)) (* 1.0625 (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* 16 FL_load_norm_s))))) (+ 1 (* 1.0 (- (* (/ 1 y) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* x (power (abs FL_load_norm_s) 0.5)))))) 1))))) (FR_load_norm_s (if (min 0 (- FR_load_norm_s 1)) (* 1.0625 (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* 16 FR_load_norm_s))))) (+ 1 (* 1.0 (- (* (/ 1 y) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* x (power (abs FR_load_norm_s) 0.5)))))) 1))))) (FL_load_norm (max 0 (* FL_load_norm_s (min 3 (/ (smooth FL_load_norm 0.15) (max 0.01 (smooth FL_load_norm 0.6))))))) (FR_load_norm (max 0 (* FR_load_norm_s (min 3 (/ (smooth FR_load_norm 0.15) (max 0.01 (smooth FR_load_norm 0.6))))))) (load_norm_wheel 250.0) (FL_load_norm (* FL_load_norm load_norm_wheel)) (FR_load_norm (* FR_load_norm load_norm_wheel)) (m_FL_load (smooth FL_load_norm 0.08)) (m_FR_load (smooth FR_load_norm 0.08)) (ex_front_load_l (max (- 1 load_power_fx) (/ (smooth FL_load_norm 0.01) (max 0.2 (smooth FL_load_norm 0.025))))) (ex_front_load_r (max (- 1 load_power_fx) (/ (smooth FR_load_norm 0.01) (max 0.2 (smooth FR_load_norm 0.025))))) (ex_front_load_l (max 0.0 (+ 1.0 (* (blend load_power_fx exaggerate_front_load_feel exaggerate_front_load_feel_hi_df) (- ex_front_load_l 1.0))))) (ex_front_load_r (max 0.0 (+ 1.0 (* (blend load_power_fx exaggerate_front_load_feel exaggerate_front_load_feel_hi_df) (- ex_front_load_r 1.0))))) (m_FL_load (* m_FL_load ex_front_load_l)) (m_FR_load (* m_FR_load ex_front_load_r)) (acc (/ kmh (max 1 (smooth kmh 0.005)))) (acc2_vel (- acc (smooth acc 0.1))) (acc2 (+ 1 (* accel_feel 0.3 600 (max 0 acc2_vel)))) (acc2 (max 0.66 (min acc2 1.5)) 0.1) (m_FL_load (/ m_FL_load acc2)) (m_FR_load (/ m_FR_load acc2)) (rel_weight_relaxed_FL (/ m_FL_load load_norm_wheel)) (rel_weight_relaxed_FR (/ m_FR_load load_norm_wheel)) (rel_weight_relaxed_FL (min rel_weight_relaxed_FL (blend (power grip_fl 1.2) 1 rel_weight_relaxed_FL))) (rel_weight_relaxed_FR (min rel_weight_relaxed_FR (blend (power grip_fr 1.2) 1 rel_weight_relaxed_FR))) (x (* 10 (/ (min kmh 250) 400))) (vel_mag_k_pull (/ 1 (+ 1 (* 20 x)))) (vel_mag_k_pull (+ 1 (* (- vel_mag_k_pull 1) 0.6))) (vel_mag_k_pull (* vel_mag_k_pull 1.2)) (mom_FL2 (* rel_weight_relaxed_FL vel_mag_k_pull)) (mom_FR2 (* rel_weight_relaxed_FR vel_mag_k_pull)) (mom_FL mom_FL2) (mom_FR mom_FR2) (grip_feel_rear (min 1 (/ (+ (* grip_rl rel_weight_FL) (* grip_rr rel_weight_FR)) (max 0.0001 (+ rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR))))) (grip_feel_front (min 1 (/ (+ (* grip_fl rel_weight_FL) (* grip_fr rel_weight_FR)) (max 0.0001 (+ rel_weight_FL rel_weight_FR))))) (grip_l (max 0 (- grip_fl (* rear_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_rl))))) (grip_r (max 0 (- grip_fr (* rear_grip_loss_feel (- 1 grip_rr))))) ############ # # Momentum Rack - If you copy this over in full or partly, or base a solution on the same general methods after seeing it, please credit "Momentum Rack" however used("included"/"extended"/"modified"/"based on"), I would be pleased - Thanks. # # Handles each front wheel separately to calculate FFB when wheels are not in equal conditions. # # Calculations have not been shortened to make it easier to understand what is going on. # ## limit rot velocity (a (abs kmh)) (f (* vel_rot_limit_coef 1.1 0.004)) (a (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* f a))))) (a (/ a (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 f))))) (a (/ a (max 0.000000001 (abs kmh)))) (n 1) (pn (/ (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* f n)))) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 f))))) (kmh_l (* kmh a (/ n pn))) (travel_l (* vel_rot_scale 0.001 kmh_l)) (travel_r (* vel_rot_scale 0.001 kmh_l)) (travel_l (- travel_l (* grip_fl 0.00015 (+ (* front_drive_torque_feel (min 0 FL_long)) (* (/ kmh 100) rear_drive_torque_feel (min 0 (- RL_long (smooth RL_long 0.3)))))))) (travel_r (- travel_r (* grip_fr 0.00015 (+ (* front_drive_torque_feel (min 0 FR_long)) (* (/ kmh 100) rear_drive_torque_feel (min 0 (- RR_long (smooth RR_long 0.3)))))))) (travel_l (+ travel_l (* 0.00015 brake_feel (max 0 FL_long)))) (travel_r (+ travel_r (* 0.00015 brake_feel (max 0 FR_long)))) (travel_l (* travel_l (max 0.7 (+ 1 (* on_off_throttle_feel (- (smooth throttle 0.4) (smooth throttle 0.02))))))) (travel_r (* travel_r (max 0.7 (+ 1 (* on_off_throttle_feel (- (smooth throttle 0.4) (smooth throttle 0.02))))))) (m_l (if (min 0 (- travel_l 0.00001)) 1 (power (- 1 centering) travel_l))) (m_r (if (min 0 (- travel_r 0.00001)) 1 (power (- 1 centering) travel_r))) (wanted_sa_l (* (- steering_angle_l sa_delta_l) (blend m_l 0.5 1))) #getting the old angle, to calc where it would have gone by itself (wanted_sa_r (* (- steering_angle_r sa_delta_r) (blend m_r 0.5 1))) (angle_d_l (- wanted_sa_l steering_angle_l)) #diff from where it would have gone by itself to actual steering (angle_d_r (- wanted_sa_r steering_angle_r)) (angle_d_l (* angle_d_l 2.3)) (angle_d_r (* angle_d_r 2.3)) (vel_res (+ velocity_res_offset (* velocity_res_scale (min 1 (* kmh 0.004))))) (angle_d_l (* angle_d_l vel_res)) (angle_d_r (* angle_d_r vel_res)) (angle_d_l (* angle_d_l force_scale)) (angle_d_r (* angle_d_r force_scale)) (angle_d_l (- angle_d_l (* subtract_rot_velocity sa_delta_l))) (angle_d_r (- angle_d_r (* subtract_rot_velocity sa_delta_r))) # power steering (a_l (abs angle_d_l)) (a_r (abs angle_d_r)) (f (* (max 0.001 power_steering_angle) 25)) (a_l (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* f a_l))))) (a_l (/ a_l (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 f))))) (a_r (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* f a_r))))) (a_r (/ a_r (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 f))))) (a_l (/ a_l (max 0.000000001 (abs angle_d_l)))) (a_r (/ a_r (max 0.000000001 (abs angle_d_r)))) (n 0.00001) (pn (/ (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* f n)))) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 f))))) (angle_d_l (* angle_d_l a_l (/ n pn))) (angle_d_r (* angle_d_r a_r (/ n pn))) # center full (angle_d_l2 (* angle_d_l 25)) (angle_d_r2 (* angle_d_r 25)) (angle_d_lfb (* center_full 2.5)) (angle_d_l2 (* (if (min 0 angle_d_l2) -1 1) (/ (+ (* 15 0.8 (abs angle_d_l2)) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* 15 angle_d_lfb (abs angle_d_l2)))))) 13))) (angle_d_r2 (* (if (min 0 angle_d_r2) -1 1) (/ (+ (* 15 0.8 (abs angle_d_r2)) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* 15 angle_d_lfb (abs angle_d_r2)))))) 13))) (angle_d_l2 (/ angle_d_l2 25)) (angle_d_r2 (/ angle_d_r2 25)) (angle_d_l2 (blend grip_fl angle_d_l angle_d_l2)) (angle_d_r2 (blend grip_fr angle_d_r angle_d_r2)) (tyre_resistance1 (blend load_power_fx tyre_resistance1_lo_df tyre_resistance1_hi_df)) (tyre_resistance2 (blend load_power_fx tyre_resistance2_lo_df tyre_resistance2_hi_df)) (tyre_resistance3 (blend load_power_fx tyre_resistance3_lo_df tyre_resistance3_hi_df)) (tyre_l_init (* tyre_initial_resist (- (smooth angle_d_l 0.004) (smooth angle_d_l 0.02)))) (tyre_r_init (* tyre_initial_resist (- (smooth angle_d_r 0.004) (smooth angle_d_r 0.02)))) (tyre_l_res1 (* tyre_resistance1 (smooth angle_d_l2 tyre_resistance1_timing))) (tyre_r_res1 (* tyre_resistance1 (smooth angle_d_r2 tyre_resistance1_timing))) (tyre_l_res2 (* tyre_resistance2 (smooth angle_d_l2 tyre_resistance2_timing))) (tyre_r_res2 (* tyre_resistance2 (smooth angle_d_r2 tyre_resistance2_timing))) (tyre_l_res3 (* tyre_resistance3 (smooth angle_d_l2 tyre_resistance3_timing))) (tyre_r_res3 (* tyre_resistance3 (smooth angle_d_r2 tyre_resistance3_timing))) (tyre_fl_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel FL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_FL 0.5)) (tyre_fr_stretch (* front_tyre_stretch_feel FR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_FR 0.5)) (tyre_rl_stretch (* rear_tyre_stretch_feel grip_rl RL_stretch angle_d_l wheel_diam_RL 0.5)) (tyre_rr_stretch (* rear_tyre_stretch_feel grip_rr RR_stretch angle_d_r wheel_diam_RR 0.5)) (tyre_l (+ tyre_l_init tyre_l_res1 tyre_l_res2 tyre_l_res3 tyre_fl_stretch tyre_rl_stretch)) (tyre_r (+ tyre_r_init tyre_r_res1 tyre_r_res2 tyre_r_res3 tyre_fr_stretch tyre_rr_stretch)) (rack_momentum_l (* 22 (spring tyre_l 100000 1 1) mom_FL)) (rack_momentum_r (* 22 (spring tyre_r 100000 1 1) mom_FR)) # LFB # weirdnes line here. without this "rack_momentum_2" does not get assigned in the next line (rack_momentum_2 (+ (* rack_momentum_l grip_l) (* rack_momentum_r grip_r))) (x rack_momentum_2) (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 18 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2)))))) (rack_momentum_2 x) (rack_momentum_l (* rack_momentum_l 2)) (rack_momentum_r (* rack_momentum_r 2)) (x rack_momentum_l) (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 18 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2)))))) (rack_momentum_l x) (x rack_momentum_r) (x (* (if (min 0 x) -1 1) (* (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (* lfb_slider_strength 18 (abs x))))) (+ lfb_slider2 (* (abs x) (- 1 lfb_slider2)))))) (rack_momentum_r x) (rack_momentum_l (* rack_momentum_l 0.5)) (rack_momentum_r (* rack_momentum_r 0.5)) (rack_momentum (+ (* rack_momentum_l grip_l) (* rack_momentum_r grip_r))) (single_lfb_part lfbval) (rack_momentum (blend single_lfb_part rack_momentum rack_momentum_2)) # Yaw (yaw_l (* (/ wanted_sa_l (* ratio_scale 3.14)) kmh -1 0.05)) (yaw_r (* (/ wanted_sa_r (* ratio_scale 3.14)) kmh -1 0.05)) (yaw_l (+ (* yaw_scale_fast yaw_l) (* yaw_scale_delayed (smooth yaw_l (/ yaw_delay (/ (max 1 kmh) 50)) )))) (yaw_r (+ (* yaw_scale_fast yaw_r) (* yaw_scale_delayed (smooth yaw_r (/ yaw_delay (/ (max 1 kmh) 50)) )))) (yaw_l (* yaw_l grip_fl grip_feel_rear)) (yaw_r (* yaw_r grip_fr grip_feel_rear)) (yaw_l (blend (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- (abs yaw_l) relax_yaw_pos) relax_yaw_width) 0.5))))) (* (if (min 0 yaw_l) -1 1) (+ relax_yaw_line2_start_y (* (abs yaw_l) (- 1 relax_yaw_line2_start_y)))) (power yaw_l (power (abs yaw_l) relax_yaw_coef)))) (yaw_r (blend (/ 1 (+ 1 (power e (* 7 (- (/ (- (abs yaw_r) relax_yaw_pos) relax_yaw_width) 0.5))))) (* (if (min 0 yaw_r) -1 1) (+ relax_yaw_line2_start_y (* (abs yaw_r) (- 1 relax_yaw_line2_start_y)))) (power yaw_r (power (abs yaw_r) relax_yaw_coef)))) # Rack effects (rack_effect (+ yaw_l yaw_r)) (rack_effect (blend 0.5 rack_effect (lfb rack_effect 0.175))) (rack_momentum (+ rack_momentum rack_effect)) # Rack friction (rack_friction (* 20 sa_delta_rack rack_friction)) (rack_momentum (- rack_momentum rack_friction)) # Rack spring (steer_spring_strength 1.0) (want_steer want_steer) (steer_delta (- want_steer steering_angle_rack)) (steer_delta (if (max 0 (- (abs steer_delta) 0.5)) (* 0.5 (/ steer_delta (abs steer_delta))) steer_delta)) (want_steer (+ steering_angle_rack steer_delta)) (steer_pull (hard_clip (* steer_spring_strength steer_delta 0.4) 0.5)) (want_steer (- want_steer (- steer_delta (hard_clip steer_delta (* 0.15 (max 0 (- (/ 1 (max kmh 2)) 0.05))))))) (steer_pull (- steer_pull (* 6 sa_delta_rack))) #(steer_pull (* 12 (/ 1.5 master_rack) (blend power_steering 1.2 0.8) steer_pull grip_feel_front (* (/ 1 8) (+ FL_def FR_def 5)))) (steer_pull (* 12 (/ 1.5 master_rack) steer_pull grip_feel_front (* (/ 1 8) (+ FL_def FR_def 5)))) (rack_momentum (blend (min 1 (/ kmh 3)) steer_pull rack_momentum)) # Smooth slightly (rack_momentum (smooth rack_momentum 0.01)) ########################################################### # # Normal static force reduction + Exponential static force reduction(affects the top end of the force exponentially) # (rack_momentum_long (smooth rack_momentum static_force_reduction_timing)) (rack_momentum_short (- rack_momentum rack_momentum_long)) (rack_momentum_long (* rack_momentum_long (- 1 normal_static_force_reduction))) (rack_momentum_long (* rack_momentum_long (blend (power (min 1 (abs rack_momentum_long)) 1.0) 1 (- 1 (blend load_power_fx exp_static_force_reduction exp_static_force_reduction_hi_df))))) (rack_momentum (+ rack_momentum_long rack_momentum_short)) ########################################################### # # Build road slope details & bumps # (curb_started curb_started) #-1 means left, 1 means right. 0 means no curb active. (curb_dist curb_dist) (curb_started (if curb_started curb_started (if FL_bump_kerb -1 (if FR_bump_kerb 1 0)))) (curb_dist (if (+ FL_bump_kerb FR_bump_kerb) 0 curb_dist)) (curb_started (if (min 0 (- curb_dist 10)) curb_started 0)) #within 10m we keep same curb side (curb_dist (+ curb_dist (* dt (/ kmh 3.6)))) (boost_on_curb 9) (FL_bump_kerb_active FL_bump_kerb_active) (FR_bump_kerb_active FR_bump_kerb_active) (FL_bump_kerb_active (if FL_bump_kerb 1 FL_bump_kerb_active)) (FR_bump_kerb_active (if FR_bump_kerb 1 FR_bump_kerb_active)) (FL_bump_kerb_active (max 0 (- FL_bump_kerb_active (* 4 dt)))) (FR_bump_kerb_active (max 0 (- FR_bump_kerb_active (* 4 dt)))) (FL_bal FL_bal) (FR_bal FR_bal) (FL_bal (* FL_bal (power 0.03 dt))) (FR_bal (* FR_bal (power 0.03 dt))) (FL_bal (max FL_bal FL_load)) (FR_bal (max FR_bal FR_load)) (FL_load3 (if FL_bump_kerb_active FL_bal FL_load)) (FR_load3 (if FR_bump_kerb_active FR_bal FR_load)) (dist_time_mult (max 0.5 (/ 50 (max 10 kmh)))) (fast (* 0.01 dist_time_mult)) (slow (* 0.02 dist_time_mult)) (tyre_l (- (smooth FL_load3 fast) (smooth FL_load3 slow))) (tyre_r (- (smooth FR_load3 fast) (smooth FR_load3 slow))) (tyre_l (/ tyre_l load_norm_wheel)) (tyre_r (/ tyre_r load_norm_wheel)) (tyre_l (max 0 (- tyre_l 0.05))) (tyre_r (max 0 (- tyre_r 0.05))) (tyre_l (* tyre_l (min 1 (/ (smooth FL_load3 fast) load_norm_wheel)))) (tyre_r (* tyre_r (min 1 (/ (smooth FR_load3 fast) load_norm_wheel)))) (tyre_l (* (* boost_on_curb FL_bump_kerb_active) 0.5 tyre_l)) (tyre_r (* (* boost_on_curb FR_bump_kerb_active) 0.5 tyre_r)) (tyre_l (* (if (min 0 tyre_l) -1 1) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ (abs (* 2 tyre_l)) 1))))) (tyre_r (* (if (min 0 tyre_r) -1 1) (- 1 (/ 1 (+ (abs (* 2 tyre_r)) 1))))) (tyre_l (* tyre_l (if (- curb_started 1) 1 -1))) #curb started right side means multiply left side with -1 (tyre_r (* tyre_r (if (+ curb_started 1) 1 -1))) #curb started left side means multiply right side with -1 (slope_large (spring (- tyre_r tyre_l) 100 0.3)) (slope_large (* linkage_sign (- 1 (/ 1 (+ 1 (abs slope_large)))) (if (min 0 slope_large) -1 1))) ########################################################### # # Road features # (supress_micro_bumps 1) (supress_large_bumps 2) (left_texture_o left_texture_o) (right_texture_o right_texture_o) (left_texture (* 0.002 (if (+ FL_bump_kerb FL_bump_offroad) 0 1) (- FL_load left_texture_o))) (right_texture (* 0.002 (if (+ FR_bump_kerb FR_bump_offroad) 0 1) (- FR_load right_texture_o))) (left_texture_o FL_load) (right_texture_o FR_load) (texture (+ left_texture right_texture)) (texture (smooth texture 0.003)) (texture (hard_clip texture 0.06)) (texture (if (min 0 (- (abs texture) 0.0001)) 0 (power texture (power (abs texture) 0.02)))) (left_details (* 0.002 (- FL_load (smooth FL_load 0.008)))) (right_details (* 0.002 (- FR_load (smooth FR_load 0.008)))) (left_details_pos left_details_pos) (right_details_pos right_details_pos) (left_details_pos (+ left_details_pos (* (- left_details left_details_pos) (power 0.001 dt)))) (right_details_pos (+ right_details_pos (* (- right_details right_details_pos) (power 0.001 dt)))) (left_details_pos (max left_details_pos left_details)) (right_details_pos (max right_details_pos right_details)) (left_details (spring left_details_pos 80000 0.1)) (right_details (spring right_details_pos 80000 0.1)) (left_details (* (power (- 1 (min 1 (abs left_details))) supress_micro_bumps) left_details)) (right_details (* (power (- 1 (min 1 (abs right_details))) supress_micro_bumps) right_details)) (left_details (* left_details (if FL_bump_offroad 0 1) (blend (smooth FL_bump_kerb 0.01) micro_bumps_scale kerbs_surface_scale))) (right_details (* right_details (if FR_bump_offroad 0 1) (blend (smooth FR_bump_kerb 0.01) micro_bumps_scale kerbs_surface_scale))) (left_details (smooth left_details (blend (smooth FL_bump_kerb 0.01) micro_bumps_smooth kerbs_surface_smooth))) (right_details (smooth right_details (blend (smooth FR_bump_kerb 0.01) micro_bumps_smooth kerbs_surface_smooth))) (kerbs_details (- left_details right_details)) (road_details (blend (smooth (min 1 (+ FL_bump_kerb FR_bump_kerb)) 0.02) (+ left_details right_details) kerbs_details)) (left_bump (* 0.002 (- FL_load (smooth FL_load 0.015)))) (right_bump (* 0.002 (- FR_load (smooth FR_load 0.015)))) (left_bump_pos left_bump_pos) (right_bump_pos right_bump_pos) (left_bump_pos (+ left_bump_pos (* (- left_bump left_bump_pos) (power 0.001 dt)))) (right_bump_pos (+ right_bump_pos (* (- right_bump right_bump_pos) (power 0.001 dt)))) (left_bump_pos (max left_bump_pos left_bump)) (right_bump_pos (max right_bump_pos right_bump)) (left_bump (spring left_bump_pos 10000 0.1)) (right_bump (spring right_bump_pos 10000 0.1)) (left_bump (* (power (- 1 (min 1 (abs left_bump))) supress_large_bumps) left_bump)) (right_bump (* (power (- 1 (min 1 (abs right_bump))) supress_large_bumps) right_bump)) (left_bump (* left_bump (if FL_bump_kerb 0 (if FL_bump_offroad large_offroad_bump_scale large_track_bump_scale)))) (right_bump (* right_bump (if FR_bump_kerb 0 (if FR_bump_offroad large_offroad_bump_scale large_track_bump_scale)))) (road_bumps (blend (smooth (min 1 (+ FL_bump_kerb FR_bump_kerb)) 0.02) (+ left_bump right_bump) (- left_bump right_bump))) (left (- (smooth FL_load 0.02) (smooth FL_load 0.1))) (right (- (smooth FR_load 0.02) (smooth FR_load 0.1))) (suspension (+ (* left mom_FL2) (* right mom_FR2 ))) (suspension (spring suspension 2500 1.0)) (suspension (* suspension 0.002 suspension_scale)) (as (blend (min 1 (* (abs steering_angle_rack) 10)) 1 0)) (as (power as 0.7)) (as (smooth as 0.1)) (suspension (* suspension as)) (left (* 0.7 (- RL_load (smooth RL_load 0.01)))) (right (* 0.7 (- RR_load (smooth RR_load 0.01)))) (left1 left1) (right1 right1) (left1 (* left1 (power 0.02 dt))) (right1 (* right1 (power 0.02 dt))) (left1 (max left left1)) (right1 (max right right1)) (left1 (+ left1 (* 0.5 (- (smooth RL_load 0.004) (smooth RL_load 0.008))))) (right1 (+ right1 (* 0.5 (- (smooth RR_load 0.004) (smooth RR_load 0.008))))) (rear (+ (* left1 mom_FL2 (if FL_bump_offroad 0 1)) (* right1 mom_FR2 (if FR_bump_offroad 0 1)))) (rear (- rear (smooth rear 0.02))) (rear (spring rear (* rear_bump_hard 10000) 1.0)) (rear (* rear 0.0036 rear_bump_scale)) # LFB # road features lfb according to fx (lfb_apply 0.5) (slope_large (* slope_large kerb_bump_scale)) (slope_large2 (power slope_large (power (abs slope_large) (* -0.05)))) (slope_large2 (lfb slope_large2 0.15)) (slope_large (blend lfb_apply slope_large slope_large2)) (road_features (+ slope_large suspension rear road_bumps road_details (* texture texture_scale 0.5))) (road_features (blend speed_bias10 0.0 road_features)) (road_features (* road_features 1.1 master_road (* 2 (power fx 1.6)))) ########################################################### # # Scrub FX # (scrub_scale_front 0.32) (scrub_scale_rear 0.28) (FL_scrub (* (if FL_bump_offroad 0 1) (smooth (abs FL_scrub) 0.01))) (FR_scrub (* (if FR_bump_offroad 0 1) (smooth (abs FR_scrub) 0.01))) (RL_scrub (* (if RL_bump_offroad 0 1) (smooth (abs RL_scrub) 0.01))) (RR_scrub (* (if RR_bump_offroad 0 1) (smooth (abs RR_scrub) 0.01))) (F_scrub (max FL_scrub FR_scrub)) (R_scrub (max RL_scrub RR_scrub)) (F_scrub (min 1 (* 0.1 F_scrub))) (R_scrub (min 1 (* 0.1 R_scrub))) (scrub_deadzone 0.0) (F_scrub (max 0 (- F_scrub scrub_deadzone))) (R_scrub (max 0 (- R_scrub scrub_deadzone))) (F_scrub (/ F_scrub (- 1 scrub_deadzone))) (R_scrub (/ R_scrub (- 1 scrub_deadzone))) (F_scrubVol (power F_scrub 1)) (R_scrubVol (power R_scrub 1)) #(F_scrubS (* scrub_frq_scale (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 F_scrub)))) #(R_scrubS (* scrub_frq_scale (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 R_scrub)))) (F_scrubS (* scrub_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 F_scrub)))) (R_scrubS (* scrub_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 R_scrub)))) (F_scrubP F_scrubP) (R_scrubP R_scrubP) (F_scrubP (+ F_scrubP (* dt F_scrubS 0.4 750))) (R_scrubP (+ R_scrubP (* dt R_scrubS 0.4 500))) (F_curve1_o F_curve1_o) (F_curve1 (sin (* 1.23 F_scrubP))) (F_curve1 (power F_curve1 1.8)) (F_curve1_now (if (min 0 (* F_curve1 (- F_curve1 F_curve1_o))) (* F_curve1 0.5) F_curve1)) (F_curve1_o F_curve1) (F_curve1_now (spring F_curve1_now 2000000 1)) (R_curve1_o R_curve1_o) (R_curve1 (sin (* 1.23 R_scrubP))) (R_curve1 (power R_curve1 1.8)) (R_curve1_now (if (min 0 (* R_curve1 (- R_curve1 R_curve1_o))) (* R_curve1 0.5) R_curve1)) (R_curve1_o R_curve1) (R_curve1_now (spring R_curve1_now 2000000 1)) (F_scrub (+ (* 0.15 (sin (* 1.9 F_scrubP))) (* 0.1 (sin (* 2.23 F_scrubP))) (* 0.4 F_curve1_now))) (R_scrub (+ (* 0.15 (sin (* 1.9 R_scrubP))) (* 0.1 (sin (* 2.23 R_scrubP))) (* 0.4 R_curve1_now))) (F_scrub (* F_scrub F_scrubVol)) (R_scrub (* R_scrub R_scrubVol)) (R_scrub (* R_scrub (blend (abs F_scrub) 1 0.3))) (F_scrub (* F_scrub scrub_scale_front)) (R_scrub (* R_scrub scrub_scale_rear)) (scrub_effect (* scrub_scale (+ F_scrub R_scrub))) (scrub_effect (spring scrub_effect 75000 1 1)) ########################################################### # # Tear FX # (FL_tear_early_vol (- 1 FL_tear_early)) (FL_tear_early_frq (+ 1 (* 5 FL_tear_early))) (FR_tear_early_vol (- 1 FR_tear_early)) (FR_tear_early_frq (+ 1 (* 5 FR_tear_early))) (RL_tear_early_vol (- 1 RL_tear_early)) (RL_tear_early_frq (+ 1 (* 5 RL_tear_early))) (RR_tear_early_vol (- 1 RR_tear_early)) (RR_tear_early_frq (+ 1 (* 5 RR_tear_early))) (o (oscillator (* FL_tear_early_frq tear_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.4 FL_tear)) dt 50))) (o (power o 1.8)) (o2 (if (min 0 (* o (- o oo1))) (* o 0.5) o)) (oo1 o) (FL_tear (* tear_scale 0.5 (+ (* FL_tear_early_vol 0.3) (power FL_tear 0.75)) o2)) (FL_tear (spring FL_tear (* tear_hard 700000) 1)) (o (oscillator (* FR_tear_early_frq tear_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.4 FR_tear)) dt 50))) (o (power o 1.8)) (o2 (if (min 0 (* o (- o oo2))) (* o 0.5) o)) (oo2 o) (FR_tear (* tear_scale 0.5 (+ (* FR_tear_early_vol 0.3) (power FR_tear 0.75)) o2)) (FR_tear (spring FR_tear (* tear_hard 700000) 1)) (o (oscillator (* RL_tear_early_frq tear_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.4 RL_tear)) dt 50))) (o (power o 1.8)) (o2 (if (min 0 (* o (- o oo3))) (* o 0.5) o)) (oo3 o) (RL_tear (* tear_scale 0.5 (+ (* RL_tear_early_vol 0.3) (power RL_tear 0.75)) o2)) (RL_tear (spring RL_tear (* tear_hard 700000) 1)) (o (oscillator (* RR_tear_early_frq tear_frq_scale (+ 0.3 (* 0.7 kmh 0.01)) (+ 0.5 (* 0.4 RR_tear)) dt 50))) (o (power o 1.8)) (o2 (if (min 0 (* o (- o oo4))) (* o 0.5) o)) (oo4 o) (RR_tear (* tear_scale 0.5 (+ (* RR_tear_early_vol 0.3) (power RR_tear 0.75)) o2)) (RR_tear (spring RR_tear (* tear_hard 700000) 1)) (tear_effect (+ FL_tear FR_tear RL_tear RR_tear)) ########################################################### # # Rolling road slip feel # (steer_angle (* (+ steering_angle_FL steering_angle_FR) 0.5)) (steerPct (* steer_angle steer_ratio 0.25)) (road_feel_pos (+ road_feel_pos (* 10 (+ 0.02 (abs (* steerPct (/ 1.5 200)))) (+ 1 (* kmh 0.01))))) (road_effect (* road_rolling_slip_feel 4 (sin road_feel_pos) 0.01 (power kmh 0.5) 0.1 (+ 0.4 (* 1 (abs (* steerPct 1.3)))))) ########################################################### # # Clipping # (rack_big rack_momentum) (rack_big rack_momentum) # Smart clip (rack_big (* gain2 rack_big master_rack)) (rack_big2 (smooth (abs rack_big) 0.04)) (pos_neg (if (min 0.0 rack_big) -1 1)) (rack_big (if (max 0 (- (abs rack_big) 0.5)) (+ (min 0.90 rack_big2) (- (abs rack_big) rack_big2)) (abs rack_big))) (rack_big (* rack_big pos_neg)) (max_rack_big max_rack_big) (rack_big2 (smooth (abs rack_big) 0.01)) (max_rack_big (if (max 0 (- rack_big2 max_rack_big)) rack_big2 max_rack_big)) (rack_big (if (max 0 (- max_rack_big 0.9)) (/ (* 0.9 rack_big) max_rack_big) rack_big)) (max_rack_big (* max_rack_big (power 0.1 dt))) ########################################################### # # Engine FX # (max_rps 8000.0) (cp (+ cp (min 6.28 (* dt crankshaft 0.7)))) (cp (if (min 0 cp) 0 cp)) (cp (if (max 0 (- cp 6.283)) (- cp 6.283) cp)) (cp (if (max 0 (- cp 6.283)) 0 cp)) (cp (max 0 (min cp 6.283))) (m (min (/ kmh 80.0) 1.0)) (engine_scale (blend m engine_scale_at_still engine_scale_at_speed)) (rps_scale (/ crankshaft max_rps)) (rps_scale (power rps_scale 0.8)) (rps_scale (min rps_scale 0.02)) (rps_scale (max rps_scale 0.14)) (load_mult (smooth throttle 0.1)) (load_mult (max load_mult 0.5)) (n (if (max 0 (- cp 3.14159265)) -1 1)) (x (if (max 0 (- cp 3.14159265)) (- cp 3.14159265) cp)) (engine_vibe (/ (* 16 x (- 3.14159265 x)) (- (* 5 3.14159265 3.14159265) (* 4 x (- 3.14159265 x))))) (engine_vibe (* engine_vibe n)) (engine_effect (* engine_scale load_mult engine_vibe rps_scale)) ########################################################### # # Flatspots effect # (flatspots_effect (* flatspots_scale flatspot_vol (+ (* fl_fs_sm load_power_fx) (* fr_fs_sm load_power_fx)))) ########################################################### # # Effects blend & scale # (effects (+ engine_effect tear_effect scrub_effect flatspots_effect road_effect)) (effects (* effects (* 2 (power fx 1.6)) master_effects)) ########################################################### # # Final Rack & Effects Blending # (rack_big (spring rack_big 200000 1 1)) (all (+ rack_big road_features effects)) # Damping (damping2 (* (min 1 (/ kmh 250)) 1500 damping)) (all (- all (* damping2 (- sa_delta_rack (smooth sa_delta_rack 0.005))))) # Limit explosions on time differences (all (* all (if (min 0 (- dt 0.1)) 1 0))) (all (* all (min 1 (* (max 0 (- et 0.5)) 0.5)))) (output all) ########################################################### # # Scaler for info, no affect on output # (scale_window_init 10.0) (scale_window_nominal 2.0) (scale_soft_clear_t 10.0) (scale_min 0.2) (scale_max 2.0) (scale_blend_t 2.0) (signal_scale output 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) ########################################################### # # Statistics output # (histogram output) (info2 output) (output (if (+ tighten_range tighten_falloff) (tighten output tighten_range tighten_falloff) output)) ########################################################### # # Lock Stops # (custom_lock_stop 2.0) (stops (bumpstop output 0.15 0.5 0.2 1.0)) (output (+ output (* stops custom_lock_stop))) (doom_check output) (output (hard_clip output 1.0))