SimuCUBE Open Source Firmware Development Update Thread 2

There will be a test version tomorrow. Anyone want to try it? Especially if there were issues with center point.

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I am ready…

Any new beta testers? Anyone suffering from centering issues in 1.0.23?

I am having centering issues. Each boot, varying degrees of 2% to 8%. Id give beta a go

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Yes, i am having the same as above, around 2 to 8%

I’ve released the firmware officially now.


Updated firmware to 1.0.24 and initially after rebooting it did not solve it. However, as stated in notes on new firmware, I used reconfigured wizard to set motor/encoder/center point and save to flash memory. After cycle it booted properly, and center appears to be fixed.

Thank you!


Over 1000 posts, with a top Twitch streamer posting “Thank you!”

I guess its time to switch to a new thread!