SimuCUBE Firmware Development Update Thread 3

I had the same problem in the latest version. Solved it 10 minutes ago by running motor configuration wizard, then put the desktop centering spring to “off”, then save settings, restart Simucube and put desktop centering spring to 100% again and save.

The notes say : If there were troubles with center point, please save settings to flash at least once in this firmware version, and then it should work correctly after a power cycle.

So it works as intended i guess.

I didn’t read the notes but it is possible. I thought that motor configuration wizard would save settings automatically to flash.

yes, the motor configuration wizard does indeed save to flash automatically so no need to do extra steps after that.

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i’m not sure, what are the parameters to use for the motor configuration wizard ?

if you are talking about an existing working setup , even if you run the motor configuration wizard you can select use existing ioni configuration as is

thanks and there’s also an automatic or manual method to choose ? I don’t remember the exact words

automatic and follow the steps. Also if you have biss encoder you choose automatic commutation later if i remember correctly.

Thanks Loukas, i have sincos encoder.

I am curious if there is a way to change profiles via command line. I’d like to script profile changes when I load different games. Is it possible?

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Not possible at the moment.

However, there is enough hints and examples in our open source repository to be able to implement such program.

If someone does it, I would be willing to help.

Can we associate profiles with executable so auto switching is possible like in other apps.

I managed to repeat the centering issue that some people have reported. Fix will be coming in the next release.

Also we have added function to forget all previously paired wireless wheels.


the new update will be built with Qt 5.15 LTS ? ( Qt 5.15.1 Released )

It looks like nothing of value will be in that Qt version, so there is no urgent need to update that. But we are looking at things. Soon we will switch compiler on the PC software.


Your continued commitment to simucube is much appreciated. Thank you also for static force reduction.

I can’t wait for the update! Ty for your work to fix this issue! :smiley:

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The centering fix is on our backlog, we should be getting that fixed soon, but this week was just busy with other work…


Hi Mika, Thank you for the continous improvement of the fw !

I have another question : Is there a way to manage the window’s size ? it’s too big by default and it causes problem with windows menu ? Or there’s something to do to correct that (manuel edit of a file) ?

It does fit on 1080p resolution display. Are you using something lower?