Preview of upcoming Simucube Profile Online

The list of profiles in the dropdown is generated from the profiles in the device. The index number of the selection is used directly in many places in the code. Adding online profiles to that same dropdown will result in bubblegum solution that is likely to have bugs, or that is difficult to maintain.

There will be a better solution, I’m currently designing it.

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Hi Tommi, just out of curiosity how do you collect device country information?
If it’s based on regional resellers sales numbers, it’s probably not accurate as even in US most people just go to SRB.

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In the US most phone,cable,and power are still on poles.

We have other generic means, similar to what all web service providers have on their websites.

Can you please elaborate, is it IP information from telemetry only few of us enable?

No IP logging, as the consent doesn’t include anything that could be used to identify the user from session to session. Windows UI language can give strong hints. Also our website cookies give geographical statistics.

We have analyzed the telemetry, and seen that more than a few, in fact almost a majority of Simucube users do indeed agree that anonymous telemetry that enables us to improve the product and enables us to improve FFB experience is a good thing.

Thank you GD team for developing this feature. This is a lot easier than going to the forums searching for screenshots of TD profiles.

That said, please retain the offline functionality. I would hate not being able to manage profiles just because the internet went down.

I’m in my 20s and I voted for keeping the offline functionalities. I also work as a software engineer at the biggest software company in the world and deal with the cloud on a regular basis, so not new to software and cloud services.

UI is one thing, core functionality is another. Simplifying the UI for intuitiveness and user-friendliness is great, but not at the expense of core functionalities that users deem important. I’m not sure why the offline feature has to go away for this online profile store. The existing profile management system is able to load and save profiles into a .ini file and it works great. What’s missing is the ability to view, upload and download profiles online. Could you not build the online functionality on top of what you have, by saving the profiles downloaded into the existing .ini file? This way the offline functionality is retained and it should still work nicely with the online module. Of course, synchronization is a concern but profiles don’t have to be synchronized immediately. Eventual consistency is a good middle ground to ensure profiles are synchronized eventually while retaining the offline functionalities, keeping your users happy. I may be simplifying things since I do not know your source code, just throwing ideas around.

Besides, just because a trend is popular doesn’t mean it makes sense. From the developer’s point of view, I understand the convenience of keeping everything online-only. That said, since most of your users are against it I’m not sure if it’s a wise decision.

In any case, appreciate GD team for hearing us out. You can’t always make everyone happy, but hopefully we’ll arrive at a solution that makes most people happy.


Still confused, perhaps not my day.
Are you tracking via activity on this board?

All users need to download the True Drive software, which is more than likely downloaded via our wiki either directly or via clicking links at the website.

Our wiki page has privacy policy disclaimer at the bottom of the page that links to

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May I suggest that you split off the gaming from the industrial for starters.

As an industrial user (and an industrial designer) I’m very aware of the issues that come up with technical equipment that seemingly are the designer’s fault, but might actually be an application or installation issue (or simply not reading the instructions sometimes).

My experience of granite devices (having ordered over 80 drive systems) has been faultless.

Honestly I have no experience of the gaming systems they supply… But from my point of view they do what they say on the tin, and that’s a fantastic accolade.

I hope I’ve put no-ones noise out of joint by saying this… They don’t pay me either!

We are well on our way, as we have separated the Simucube as its own brand already (but GD remains there as the manufacturer) and pretty much all that remains from end-user perspective is this forum and the GD wiki page for fw package downloads - those will get some attention when we have time. Main driver has been on how to migrate the users and knowledge from this forum to a possible Simucube forum, and as Profile Online does away with having to post settings on a forum, a fresh start can be an attractive option. But it is not planned in near-term.

I have enough profiles stored in the Sport. So if I dont update the Sport in the future I still can use the wheel?

For what I know, You only loose hw/sw support from reseller/Granite in case of any kind of problem.
Im on 20.04 firmware and no need of support yet, but the very first question from support guys allways be “is your device on the last firmware/software?”

First - as someone who works in software development (mostly on the user researcher and requirements side) - it’s very brave of you to ask a forum of very specific people for feedback. I’d probably be going with the support and feedback you get from other channels than this (important, but) minority group.

I think those on here asking for filters etc need to realise you’re in the minority. So many other threads expose people who know that little-too-much-to-be-dangerous knowledge levels. I get that understanding your equipment is best, being able to adjust things and play - but this isn’t everyone - and if GD want to continue to sell then the market is probably not specifically those people - because there are more general users than people who want to geek out about how a filter works - especially when it’s on such a subjective level of “feel” (nobody knows the code!)

For feedback on the actual features:

Wheel size etc
A short description of what the profile is meant to achieve
Being able to access profiles by game, and then car if it’s specific
Being able to favourite (thumbs up) a profile
Being able to see how many active users are using it (as opposed to just having downloaded it)

Handling updates… so versioning of a profile rather than someone saving multiple with new names and stuffing up the system. Possibly being able to fork a profile or access a previous version (user need; I really liked that profile before it was updated again) (also user need; ratings for each version)

This feels like a great initiative - I think it’s VRS that has something similar? And that’s one of it’s selling points


:white_check_mark: We have a general description field.

Will be added, a good suggestion.

:white_check_mark: Yes, however should we try to add all AC mod cars? Probably not. Perhaps car type and car manufacturer is enough.

:white_check_mark: Yes, one is able to add a profile to one’s own profiles as a shortcut.

Interesting, will need to investigate how we can / should track the usage.

This has been thought about. “Bookmarked” profiles will not auto-update, there will be a notification suggesting to update. We haven’t tested the rollback feature but it is in the plans.

Ratings are currently per-profile, but good idea to think about.

Coming from a Fanatec Podium and Fanalab… (only had the SC2 Pro for a few days now, so please forgive me if ive missed something - certainly still learning the ropes here)

I assume there is no way in truedrive to have game detection and auto load your default profile for that game?
That is amazing with fanalab I have to say, and surly must be a must have ‘workon feature’ (unless ive somehow missed this?)

Some other suggestions:

  • Accompanying TD settings with in game settings. Could be free text, but better would be known & well-formatted in game settings template to fill in/edit. Advanced would be to overlay the real in game settings screens with these, but can be at a much later stage.

  • Able to bind buttons to TD setting adjusters for easy TD adjustments while in VR.

  • Some forum thread-like functionality to be able to discuss each profile.

  • “Specializations” of a profile, so it can exist with slight modifications that cater for wheel size/weight as well as different car types and other well-defined tags.

  • Auto-adjust that transforms the settings automatically based on: SC2 wheel base and steering wheel size & weight. This could potentially make it possible to not need the steering wheel dimensions & weights stored anywhere, if the user instead types in his wheel specifications & can the pick from a drop-down.

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I also vote for that, would be really helpful to edit td while ingame without the need to alt+tab all the times

Such features are in our backlog. Open question is, that would it permanentely save into profile, or should there be an extra button to download adjusted settings from device to PC. And whether it will then synchronize it to to online or if offline needs to be handled as well - almost double amount of code. I think we can find a suitable option to satisfy the needs of the users here.