New Encoder Biss-C problema grave

I will get you her Skype contact info. That is how I always did business with her message on Skype.

I just spoke to her a few weeks ago. I wanted to make sure that she and her family were doing ok.
And I specifically asked about BISS C encoders and they were in stock.

When you order the encoder from her ask to buy the cable. You will actually get a full set of cables, but they are so inexpensive it is dumb not to get them.

Lisa has pretty good English , but try not to make questions complicated.


You can contact Lisa Zhan here, she is very good and responsive, have used her for many years:

Si precisamente en lo he comprado yo , cable y Encoder , me asegura que está probado y funciona pero yo ya lo he probado todo , tornillo M4 incluido , no hay manera de que funcione , es imposible

Small MiGE Biss22bit-22bit 4.2milcpr.drc (9.4 KB)

my drc for my sc1 small mige ioni pro hc and biss-c if you want

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Hola buenas compañero @Herve45 acabo de probar con tu DRC , mismo problema no lo entiendo , y lo más extraño es que si utilizo un DRC de un Encoder de 10000 no es el error , el volante se mueve un poco , y luego no gira , no lo entiendo la verdad , estoy desesperado :sob:
En este vídeo se ve la prueba que acabo de hacer

I don’t know
you install drc with simucube
try installing drc with granity software

Si lo instalo desde el software de Granite el fallo es el mismo , ya lo probé :sob::sweat: solo @Mika sería capaz de ayudarme imagino

Try to reduce the number of bits you are reading from the encoder.

Thanks Beano the email I had was similar but this one is a little different. Probably why she didn’t respond to the other one.

Anyone seen a 3d printed file or something along those lines for the spacer needed?

Se refiere a esta opción ? Que baje este valor ?

Cheers Mate, you’re welcome! Let me know if you get hold of her, but I have used that email to contact her for many years now :wink:

Te refieres a esto ? @Mika mira esto es lo que pasa cuando sigo los pasos con el software ver Granite , entra en un bucle que no termina nunca , ya no sé qué más puedo hacer :sob: ayúdeme por favor

It still shows the same fault code.

Either your wiring is wrong, or the encoder is faulty.

Ok gracias @Mika , ya no pierdo más tiempo , voy a contactar con el vendedor por si quiere reembolsar el dinero o cambiar el producto , y si no mala suerte , me quedo con mi Encoder de 10000 :+1: , tema cerrado

Se puede cerrar el hilo , acabo de recibir el Encoder de sustitución y funcionó a la primeras ningún problema , gracias a todos :+1:


I also changed the encoder. The error code is the same. I haven’t been able to solve the problem that I thought was MiGe at first. It didn’t work if I replaced a new encoder. I need your help. Thank you.

I also changed the encoder. The error code is the same. I haven’t been able to solve the problem that I thought was MiGe at first. It didn’t work if I replaced a new encoder. I need your help. Thank you.